Do We Even Have a United States of America - TopicsExpress


Do We Even Have a United States of America Anymore? washingtonsblog/2013/10/american...tutional-rights.html Once upon a time 13 British Colonies in America declared Independence from Great Britain. Once upon a time the people inhabiting the Mexican territory in what is now Texas declared Independence from Mexico. Once upon a time most Southern States declared Independence from the United States. Why? Because the governments of Great Britain, Mexico and the United States had all neglected or even abandoned their established principles of Liberty and government thereof, thereby losing the full faith and allegiance of the People being governed. Do we even have a United States of America anymore? It feels more like we have been occupied by a foreign power, completely hostile to the ideas upon which this country was founded. The limited national government and federal republic formed by the Constitution has been progressively changed to the point of being dissolved, existing no more, thanks to generations of Acts against the ratified intent and understanding of the Constitution by the Supreme Court, Congress and Presidents. Partisan politics makes no difference. No matter which party is in charge, the power of the whole national authority is against our Liberty. The only difference between which party is in charge is who or what becomes the subject of a compelling interest of the government. Whenever the Supreme Court finds that the national government has a compelling interest in exercising a power not delegated to the government in the Constitution, you may rest assured that our remaining Liberty will decrease as a result. Today the federal republic, a union between free, independent and sovereign nation-states, formed by the ratification of the United States Constitution by the States, is dead. Today the States are no longer free, independent and sovereign nation-states. The States have lost all control over the national government and are now controlled by the national government. The constitutional government consented to by the ratifying generation has been replaced by a national oligarchy, in effect a national crime syndicate, an unconstitutional tyranny of such vast bureaucratic proportions and power that our feeble efforts to change it make no difference. (Explanation: The term nation-state is hyphenated. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote that the 13 Colonies were Free and Independent States and referred to the 13 States as the united States of America. The word state meant the same then as the word nation does today. Great Britain recognized 13 Free and Independent Sovereign States (nations) in the treaty formally ending the war between Great Britain and its former colonies. During and after the Revolutionary War, the 13 American nation-states were loosely united under the Articles of Confederation). As hard as it is to understand, history shows that the States themselves surrendered much of state sovereignty and public liberty to the national government by ratifying the 16th, 17th and 20th Amendments to the Constitution. These amendments greatly increased the power of the national government and greatly decreased the power of the States, thereby making possible the rise of the vast national tyranny we have today. Even though the passage of the 16th, 17th and 20th Amendments gave the national government new powers over the States and People, the powers of the national government were still limited. No amendment was ever made to the Constitution authorizing Congress unlimited dominion and power over the States. Nor was Congress ever given complete blanket authority to legislate in all matters public and private, great and small. No amendment was ever made giving our consent to be governed with such absolute disregard for our Liberty. Yet today Congress and the President and the entire government bureaucracy all operate with a complete and absolute disregard for our Liberty and the Constitution; for example - The Supreme Court, which should know better, is just as bad as Congress and the President, enabling and giving approval to virtually all of what Presidents and Congresses have done during the last 101 years. This is not surprising in retrospect because the Supreme Court is part of the national government/oligarchy, one of the three branches of the national government. The Supreme Court could hardly be expected to consistently rule against the government in favor of the Constitution and our Liberty when the Court itself is part of the same government acting against the Constitution. When The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the individual government mandate to purchase insurance was ruled constitutional under the taxing power of the government, all hope was lost for the Supreme Court to ever be an ally of the People and States in any effort to restrict government power and restore constitutional government. The Supreme Court is as much to blame as Congress for the historical collapse of constitutional government in this country. When the 13 Colonies fought for and won their Independence, the object of government under The Articles of Confederation was our Liberty. Patrick Henry said so in the Virginia ratification debates on the Constitution. Today, as Henry correctly predicted, the object of our national government is power and absolute control over us and everything we do. We the People are ruled, we are controlled, and there is nothing we can do to stop it or even slow it down. Congress fully approves and desires that all political power be concentrated in the national government. The Union no longer exists because the fundamental object/role of the government established by the ratified Constitution has been changed UNILATERALLY BY THE GOVERNMENT by all the laws it has enacted. This change has been made gradually and incrementally over decades and generations without the States and the People ever having a chance to debate within themselves and decide that this fundamental change in our national government should be made or not made, much like the Constitution itself was presented to the States and People to be debated and subsequently adopted or rejected. The fundamental American principles of government are (1) government is only legitimate with our consent and (2) WE have at all times the right to change or abolish government that becomes abusive of our Liberty. NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT HAS EVER been proposed, debated and ratified to change the object or role of the national government in the Constitution from securing and protecting our Liberty to rationing our Liberty and telling us how and when we may enjoy what little liberty we are allowed to have. This fundamental change in our government has been made without OUR expressed written permission and informed consent in the form of an amendment to the Constitution. You see the results. Without respecting constitutional restraints, the national government/tyranny has set this country on a course of economic and social destruction. This latest flood of immigrants has been instigated and aided by our own government. It is designed to render state governments helpless by overloading local medical services, housing, schools, social services and state and local law enforcement so that the federal government can finish taking over complete control of our society. Google Cloward-Piven Strategy. You are seeing this strategy being put into effect. The object is the final elimination of our freedom as we know it and the total consolidation of power in Washington DC. See In light of the long history of hostile actions of the national tyranny/government against our Liberty, how can any State or People who still understand and desire Liberty remain in thrall to the illigitimate national tyranny we have today? This is NOT the federal republic of sovereign free nation-States formed by the Constitution, a Republic to which allegiance might still be freely given if it existed today. Nor is it a government to which we can consent if we desire to restore our Liberty. This national tyranny and our Liberty cannot exist in the same time and place. They are mutually exclusive and incompatible. Some who like this national tyranny might say your consent is no longer needed. They would be right and that is exactly the problem. That is exactly why Texas and the other 49 States must recognize that constitutional government has been dissolved by the acts of the government itself and that ALL the States can and should be free and independent nation-states once again, if they choose to be. We cant act for the other 49 states but we CAN act for Texas. Its not even a matter of secession. We cannot leave a government that no longer exists. We only need to recognize that the federal republic established by the Constitution no longer exists and then act accordingly, as it is our long established right to do, both as Texans and as Americans. We are supposed to be a free sovereign independent nation-state whether we join in a confederation with other States or not. The only thing giving the national tyranny power over us is our own co-operation with that tyranny. The border crisis should be the defining event where we realize that further cooperation with the national tyranny is harmful to Texas. Once we act on our own to secure our border, is it much more of a step to act on our own for all our interests as opposed to letting an illegitimate national tyranny chart our course for its own unconstitutional purposes? Its not really much more of a step at all. Texas Independence lives at Join for the future of Texas and Liberty. James Rollins, La Grange Tx
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 23:04:38 +0000

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