Do You Hunger? Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for - TopicsExpress


Do You Hunger? Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will filled (Matthew 5:6) A few weeks back, our church began to have it’s weekly Wednesday night dinner, after which we have a bible lesson by the pastor. The place was packed and everyone was having a great time eating what are wonderful meals and getting a chance to fellowship in an informal setting. Then It came time for the lesson and all but what was maybe 10 people were left. Those that left hungered to food but not the word. The way Christians act sometimes is as if too much is excepted from their time. I think if Jesus took the time to come to us and die for our sins, so that we might be saved and never perish, it is the least we can do by giving of our time to learn more of this wonderful love He has for us! You see when we give to God, be it out time, money, our ourselves, God will give some much more to us. God has a plan and purpose for your life. How can you learn what it is if you turn your back to him? God wants to fill your life with love peace and joy. How will you receive it if you ignore him? God wants to bless you. How can he if your eyes are closed to his word? We need to be hungry people! Hungry for the Lord! After all God has done for us, can’t you do this for him? Go to Church, spend time is His Word, Go to Bible Studies, and Pray! Do these things and Hunger, so that He can fill you! I will finish this message with quotes from an article entitled "H Blessed Are Those Who Hunger" in the September 2007 issue of Christianity Today. If this verse is to you one of the most blessed statements of the whole of scripture, you can be quite certain you are a Christian; if it is not, then you had better examine the foundations again. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Studies in the Sermon on the Mount It is the desire for God which is the most fundamental appetite of all, and it is an appetite we can never eliminate. We may seek to disown it, but it will not go away. If we deny that it is there, we shall in fact only divert it to some other object or range of objects. And that will mean that we invest some creature or creatures with the full burden of our need for God, a burden which no creature can carry. Simon Tugwell, The Beatitudes This Beatitude prompts a look at our hearts desire. What hungers and desires operate within us? Which of them commands our utmost loyalty? John W. Miller, The Christian Way It is not the one who has attained righteousness but the one who hungers for it whom the Beatitudes assert God blesses. Bonnie B. Thurston, Religious Vows, the Sermon on the Mount, and Christian Living Thus, because it is commonly thought that the rich are made wealthy through their own greed, Jesus says in effect: "No, it is just the opposite. For it is righteousness that produces true wealth. Thus, so long as you act righteously, you do not fear poverty or tremble at hunger. Rather, those who extort are those who lose all, while one who is in love with righteousness possesses all other goods in safety." Chrysostom, Homilies on the Gospel of Saint Matthew Biblical righteousness is more than a private and personal affair; it includes social righteousness as well.... Thus Christians are committed to hunger for righteousness in the whole human community as something pleasing to a righteous God. John R. Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount The Hunger for righteousness is the one appetite that Christ blesses-not to covet possessions or achievement or recognition, but to live, through every action and perception, the Kingdom of God. Jim Forest, The Ladder of the Beatitudes One might eat and eat of the superficial, cotton-candy righteousness vended by the professional religious hucksters and never have his hunger assuaged. Or he might drink and drink of their holy water and never have his thirst quenched. But the Kingdom righteousness is meat indeed and drink indeed-rich nourishing, satisfying. Clarence Jordan, Sermon on the Mount Free meal is often just to good to pass up! I mean it coast nothing, you just have to decide to receive it! Even then you still want to know what it is your having. It’s the same with salvation. God sent His Son to pay the price for us, by giving his life for ours on the cross, all we have to do is decide to receive him as Lord of our lives! Why don’t you want to know all you can about the one who did this for you? For us! Do You Hunger Now? In Jesus Name, Amen! Urban M
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 21:40:11 +0000

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