Do You Know What You Are Asking In Prayer? Most people when - TopicsExpress


Do You Know What You Are Asking In Prayer? Most people when they pray first of all they are selfish only asking God for material things and asking God for things that only concern them and their family. Me and this one sister where talking and she said she was praying for wisdom. She said after all the bible says he who lacks wisdom let him ask of God James 1:5. I ask her if she knew what she was praying and she said yes but about two weeks later she was complaining and all tore up about what she was going through. I reminded her that about two weeks ago you ask God for wisdom and now you are complaining. How can you gain wisdom if you are not put in a situation that takes wisdom hello? God just does not drop it in your spirit for you to use if a wisdom situation comes up He puts you in a wisdom situation so you will contain what you have learn. Experience is the best teacher and God knows how much to allow you to go through in order for you to learn power and wisdom. People pray for patience do you know when you pray for patience people you do not even know are now going to get on your last nerve. Why because how can you obtain patience without a testimony of patience oh and by the way just in case you did not know patience and long suffering go hand in hand. Not all promotions of patience have long suffering but some do. Some people pray for more love when you do that satan comes in against you like a flood anytime love is demonstrated. When we ask for love every fruit of the spirit in you is going to be tested, tried, cultivated and activated that is in you. Love tares away the dead branches in you. The things in you that brings forth no life in you or others. Love will prune the things in you. Real love will show you who you really are in God and I am not talking sin for there is not sin in God. Real love draws enemies as well as divine connections. For love is the foundation of all we should pray for and not out of guilt, condemnation, or fear but out of love for God and love for humanity. So be careful what you pray for you just may get it!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:11:04 +0000

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