Do You Love Him? by Joyce Meyer - posted August 28, 2013 - TopicsExpress


Do You Love Him? by Joyce Meyer - posted August 28, 2013 “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to Him, “Tend My sheep.” —John 21:16 In the story that contains today’s scripture, Jesus asked Simon Peter three times if he loved Him and all three times, when Simon Peter said, “Yes,” Jesus answered with, “Then feed my sheep,” “Tend My sheep” or “Feed my lambs” (see John 21:15-17). On several occasions He referred to Himself as a Shepherd and to His people as sheep, so Peter knew He was telling Him to love and help His people. I believe Jesus was saying in these verses that if we love Him we should be helping other people, not simply gathering in buildings on Sunday morning to follow rules and rituals. If a church is not involved in reaching the lost and helping oppressed people then they are not functioning as God fully intends. The Apostle John said that we know we have passed over out of death into life by the fact that we love the brethren and He who does not love is held and kept continually in spiritual death (see I John 3:14). If a church is not overflowing with the genuine love of God, how can it be filled with life? The early church, which we read about in the book of Acts, was very powerful. It literally shook the known world of its time and its influence is still being felt across the globe today. It was unified and all the people who were part of it were busy helping the people they knew to be in need. They helped those they knew personally and those they heard about in other towns and cities through the apostles who came to visit and teach them. Love God Today: Do you love God? Then feed His sheep by helping others.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:54:52 +0000

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