Do any of you on any given day just wake up and say to yourself I - TopicsExpress


Do any of you on any given day just wake up and say to yourself I should hate Pakistan today? If I were to guess the answer will be NO. Likewise on any given day would any Pakistani wake up and say to themselves I should hate India today? Again my guess is NO. At the risk of being called a anti-national or even a traitor I would still like to put forward a very simple view about India-Pakistan issue. Yes we have a complicated and violent history, yes we fought four wars against each other, yes their bowling has always been superior but so is our batting, but the fundamental fact is this, We and the people in Pakistan are all programmed to hate each other, we are all just pawns in the game played by politicians and corporates, just to keep us distracted from focusing on their venal ways. Just for one second set aside your programmed hate and the military actions and the fake posturing of both the countries politicians as well as media and think, Are they really any different from us? Im talking about the common man on both sides. They have the same human emotions like us, they fall in love just like us, they love their family just like us, they fight within their family just like us, they rejoice a new life and mourn the loss of a dear one just like us, they have hopes and dreams of a better life just like us, they have the same struggles in life just like us, heck they even have the same corrupt politicians just like us. If you count the similarities and the differences between our two countries the similarities would be definitely more. Yet the mere thought of the people from the other country invokes very strong emotions within us both good and bad. There was an advert done by Google about uniting two long lost friends who were separated during our partition, that ad touched the hearts of millions of people from both countries, there was also a Coke vending machine experiment which brought people on both sides together, where they happily danced together from their respective places looking at each other, there was also another experiment where people of both countries were randomly given phone numbers of a person in the other country and they had such wonderful conversations talking about food, sports, movies and what not and ending the conversation with such joy and a sense of satisfaction in finding a new friend from afar. All these leads me to only one conclusion, our perceived and force-fed hatred for each other is no match for the love and compassion that resides in all our hearts and I will bet my life to prove it. After all not too long ago we fought together, we bled together and we died together to get our freedom from the British. We might think that the umbilical chord that connected us has been severed, but the truth is, it is NOT. I was a hater once, but then I decided to let go of my hate and give love and compassion a chance. I know it is not as easy as I might lead you to believe, but nothing in life that is of worth comes easy.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:53:15 +0000

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