Do not focus yourself into pleasing who you like and get - TopicsExpress


Do not focus yourself into pleasing who you like and get frustrated when that person ignores you or hurt you. Start with yourself. Make yourself loveable that a man/woman can hardly resist. Believe me when you free yourself from that notion “I love him so much. I can’t live without him and etc…” You would feel at peace and happy. And they would just come in numbers that you’ll get confuse on choosing among the best. Even in a relationship I realized that pain originate deep within ourselves. We tend to expect our BF/GF to act or respond the way we wanted them to, on a given situation or incidents and when they didn’t we get hurt, jealous, or sometimes enrage which leads us to suffer more and worst, an untimely demand of a breakups, because we thought that it will allow us to evade the pain. In most cases it works but not with true love because forgetting someone you really love is like trying to remember someone you have never met. But you could have avoided all of those to have happened in the first place if you’re rational and responsible enough before making any decisions. I remember my Fitness instructors’ words the other day. He said, “Do not watch your body instead, watch how much food you eat each meal and your body will eventually adjust to it.” Love is happiness. It should make you grow. It should make you feel free and safe. It’s simple, do not make it complicated. And do not force your partner to change for you as you wouldn’t want to be changed either. Do not hinder him into doing what he enjoyed doing before he even met you just to allot more time for you. Wait patiently until his done as how he would wait for you, while playing Tennis or doing shopping from stall to stall trying to fit in that dress, that is too tiny for you. Your BF/GF is a person too just like you. He has his own things, problems and inner dilemmas just like you. So don’t expect them to act like a loyal Dogs as you wouldn’t wanted to be treated as a Pussy cat too. It’s a mutual understanding of individual uniqueness and trying to bridge that gap to mold it into one. A friendly advice from me
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 02:33:10 +0000

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