Do not hate a man to his face when you know nothing of him. Man - TopicsExpress


Do not hate a man to his face when you know nothing of him. Man must learn that what he does may have consequences. May I recognize my brother and sister that I may open my heart to them. Seeds that sprouts upwards at the same time send roots into the ground. Angry with a land, the Light of God makes law and justice cease in it, makes value scarce in it; sets the fools over the wise, lets the ruler mistreat its people. The disciple must experience in himself each stage of developing. And he will know nothing for which he is not ripe. The friend of a wise person is another wise person. The nut does not reveal the tree it contains. A woman who remains a woman at night is praised during the day. Advice given to the stupid weighs as little as the wind. If you want something, look for the complement that will elicit it. You are only a spirit. May I have something and my relatives have something so that I may eat my own food without holding back. Cognition comes from inside ourselves, but the Master gives the keys. Material and intellectual wealth are no real securities. Do not prefer one of your children to the other, for you know not which one of them will be kind to you. Organisation cannot be good enough unless those who know laws of harmony lay the foundation. Never let an ungodly or a mediocre man give orders to people. Qualities of a moral order are measured by deeds. Serve your mother and father that you may go forward and prosper. Our senses serve to affirm, not to know. The wealth of a workman could be his tools. Do not ask God for advice and then disregard it. Do not instruct a fool lest he hate you for it. Do not rely on a fool. Do not rely on the property of an idiot. Do not teach those who do not want to hear. Popular beliefs on essential matters must be examined in order to discover the original thought. Break through the web of Ignorance. Do not rely on the property of another - acquire your own. If the God of Light, is angry with a country, law, justice and values break down and fools take the place of wise men. There grows no wheat where there is no grain. Love is one thing, knowledge is another. True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness through successive stages.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:09:00 +0000

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