Do not let the fear stop you from getting what you want. Life is - TopicsExpress


Do not let the fear stop you from getting what you want. Life is short. Dream big, think tall and attract positive things into your life. Once there was a bear named Grim. He was known to be ferocious, violent and tough. He always engages in battles of the wild. For him, the desire to be recognized as the strongest beast in the wild was his dream. All of his enemies were defeated and he was always the one left standing and glorious with his own victory. All the animals knew him by his name and they were all scared of him. They showed respect to Grim and treated him as their King. Grim was so happy that everyone in the forest serves him what he needed. From food, to entertainment, to pleasure and to doing any single task, he would always ask from his servants. Every day he would enjoy a sumptuous buffet and so he enjoyed his luxurious and extravagant life. For him no one could take the power that he had for he is big and strong. But he still wondered “What if there are other beasts bigger than me?” At that thought he planned to grow bigger so all will bow to him for they would fear him. Each day, he had nothing to do but to sit in his throne and eat until he could not even take a sip. Grim became stronger and even searched for more power. He invited other creatures from outside the forest to fight with him. The enemies who responded went to his kingdom to fight with Grim. The enemies fell in line, first was the lion, second the rhinoceros and the third was the elephant. As Grim went outside of his house and roared. Every enemy who looked at him got scared and runaway. They were afraid of how gigantic Grim was and how scary was his voice. As a result Grim was even happier for all the beasts in the forest will respect him and he had gained even more power for his Kingdom. The desire for power made him want to become even bigger than he is. He was to eat everyday with tons of meat, fruits and anything on his plate. He gained weight of 100 pounds each day. He had nothing else to do than to watch entertainment, laugh at the mistakes of everyone else and punish his servants when his order was not served. The servants were afraid of him that they were keen not to commit any slightest mistake. When Grim gets angry he would say out loud “If you will make a mistake, I will eat you fresh and alive.” All creatures heard his voice and shivered with every roar. One day a little chipmunk from another forest came to his place. He was a wise and cheerful chipmunk named Tom. Tom came to see Grim and asked Grim to fight with him. All of the animals in the forest gathered and was shocked of what Tom has offered. All were in awe and felt pity for Tom. They knew that any moment Tom could be smashed and get eaten. Tom was confident of himself. He knew that Grim was big and he could not miss a single arrow on him. Grim on the other hand said, “Don’t you dare waste my time. Be worthy to be my opponent or else embrace defeat and I will tear your heart apart.” All the creatures in the forest gasped. And some closed their eyes. They anticipated that Tom will soon be dead. But in there amazement Tom stood still with his valiant pose. Grim was angered with Tom’s confidence and took an effort to lift himself from his throne. But there was a problem with Grim. He could not stand anymore because of the weight he had to carry. He attempted several times to stand from his throne but he could not. Angered, he asked his servants to lift him up. All of his servants helped him up but just as soon as they left him he fell to the ground. Seeing Grim fall down, the fear from every creature was gone and they all laughed and cursed him. Tom did not use any arrow but he walked towards Grim and said “Surrender now for I am the new King”. Defeat is what was fated to Grim. He was captured by Tom and he was locked up on a cage. From then on all the animals were freed from fear. They now lived without worries from the beast named Grim. Now it was Tom, the little chipmunk they consider the King. Tom was happy for he had proven that even the mighty Giants have their weaknesses. They can be shot with every single arrow without a miss. And they could fall easily from the weight of their body. He made all the creatures realize that danger is always imminent still choose not to fear and look onto the positive side. Tom gained his power with his own wisdom and character. All the creatures respected him not because of his strength but the positive things he shared to them.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:00:10 +0000

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