Do not make the mistake made by the tens of millions who, fatally, - TopicsExpress


Do not make the mistake made by the tens of millions who, fatally, underestimated the resolve of Stalin, of Hitler, of Mussolini, of Pol Pot, of Chairman not underestimate the seething malignancy in Washington DC who wrap themselves in the American flag but behind their backs are daggers held in clenched fists. No doubt you seek answers, go to the mirror and there, ironically, you will find not only the cause of, but also, the solution to, Americas grief, go to the military graveyards across America and listen to the voices of those who gave you your freedom, listen to their words. Visit the old war memorials and battlefields and hear the anguished cries of those who poured sweat and spilled blood in the forging of a great nation. Read your history books, read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and hear the voices of those who bled rivers and sacrificed all they had to set you free. Listen, truly listen, to the words of the national anthem and be moved, then, in the quiet of the evening, look into the faces of your loved ones and find the unspoken expectation of your strength and courage in not only their defense but in defense of the greatest republic in the history of Mankind. And then look towards the heavens and feel the warmth of His smile as he steels your spine, strengthens your stride and thickens the blood that courses through your veins. Stand on the great plains of this nation, in sight of the majestic Rocky mountains, stand as the morning sun comes up and watch as the Stars and Stripes snaps and flutters in the early morning breeze, and in that, in all of that you will have your answer to the strangled cries of that which birthed and nourished you, the cries of your nation, on her knees, with the knives of the treasonous and treacherous at her throat, wrap your arms around her, protect her, she needs you now more than ever. But, I fear, you will not, and why? because you are, save for a few honorable men and women, self serving cowards, each and every one and in spite of my words that goad and sting you, you will simply turn away from the injurious obscenity of the man who wants to enslave you and drown your sorrows in a sitcom and a beer, shaking your fists at the talking heads that gleefully bring you news of your demise how utterly wretched. Allow me a few more words.........Well, more than a few . As this world develops and moves forward, the gains we have made with respect to technology and the intellectuality and humanity of Mankind have been nothing less than stunning and exponential but for as much as we have gained we have also lost an equal amount in depth of character. We have lost the power of original thought, we have lost the desire to remain the plotters of our own lives and we are much less for that evidence how just how much less found in re-electing obama. We have given over stewardship of our lives, nay stewardship of the two greatest nations in the history of Mankind, to the criminally socialist, the self absorbed, the sneeringly Liberal, to the sociopaths, self loathers and to those whose hatred of freedom and the entrepreneurial spirit are the very definition of their every waking moment. We have placed our children, the very future and foundation of our democracy, in the hands of the mediocre, the perverse, the incompetent and the uninspired and allowed them to whisper the blackest of lies in their ears, lies that pave the road to our nations ruin as new generations wander our streets, functionally illiterate, historically crippled with a seething hatred of both self and the values, ethics and courage which provided our country and countless generations, light and stewardship through the darkest of times..... We have allowed a socialist Mainstream Media to engage in a nonstop campaign of misinformation and propaganda that obscures the ominous threats we face both as a nation and a culture. We have allowed the media to offer us fear mongering experts like David Suzuki and Al Gore, conniving grifters who are only to willing to tell us of the latest junk science, polls, trends and surveys, the methodology of which is never questioned, in order to, stroke by stroke, destroy our resource and energy independence. We have allowed mainstream media to stoke a burning desire for the superficial and useless, that which gave us strength and independence, our manufacturing base, has been reduced to dust rendering us solely dependent on others for even the simplest of goods. We have allowed socialists to force us to remain dependent on the muslims, the very definition of murderously inhumane and brutal, for our energy needs whilst our very independence lays at our feet. We have allowed a self serving bureaucracy and their enablers, the capricious, vain and self serving politicians, to destroy what we took over four centuries to build. We have allowed criminals to rule our streets and our prisons and we have allowed our courts and the legions of predatory and parasitic lawyers to enthusiastically facilitate the same. This, done in the name of progressive enlightenment, political correctness and multiculturalism. We have lost the election, the free world hangs in the balance, we stand on the edge of the blackest abyss, in order to step back from that abyss the time has come to clean from our schools, from our courts, from our media and from the halls of government those whose singular focus is the complete annihilation of Canada and the United States. The time has come to once again chart our own destiny, to decide what is good both for ourselves and families and for our country. The time has come to relegate the Obamas, Clintons, Suzukis, the Trudeaus, the Daviess to their rightful place, the lunatic fringe, where they can provide us with occasional comedic relief but from whence they can never again chart our course. We need to seek out those amongst us whose very definition of life harkens back to a time of strength and independence, we need to seek them out. These slowly dying embers in a dwindling legion, and breathe into them the desire to wrest from the hands of charlatans and grifters, the heart and soul of our nations. We need to do this now, for if we do not, if we wait till they have been crushed into dust by the Obamas, the Suzukis and Trudeaus. We will have missed our last chance, and when gone they will be greatly missed, and we as a world, as a culture and as a democracy, will be so much the less for their absence. Tonight, as you surround yourselves with friends and family, I want you to go to the washroom and close the door behind you, I want you to look into the mirror and into the eyes of the person in whose hands sits the fate of Western civilization, and then I want you to make a choice, the right choice, if not for yourselves then make it for the countless generations to come, countless generations who depend on you to find your voices and to find your courage, countless generations who count on you to not let the light of civilization be put out by the smothering cloak of socialism and islam. The Religion of Peace...... To each and every one of you I say this: We were given a gift by our forefathers, we have betrayed their trust, we have broken a sacred bond, and as sure as I draw breath into my body I know that at the breaking of the dawn or the fields of Flanders can be heard the stirring of angered restless souls. They are your fathers, brothers, grandfathers and the like, and never, in their wildest dreams, in their dying moments, as, with shattered bodies, as their tenacious grip on life loosened and failed, thought for a moment their gift to you of freedom, would be met with such obscene mockery, such ingratitude, such injurious and miserable treachery. I know that they turn away in disgust, sickened by the knowledge that honor can only be found amongst their brothers with whom they perished and not for whom they perished. And so, in closing I leave you with a quote from The Devils Advocate and with a few questions that beg answers...... Where is your line in the sand? What will you do once that line is crossed? What does your country mean to you? Will you pick up a weapon and stand a post in the face of tyranny? Can you look your wives and children in the face knowing the depths of your cowardice and timidity? Are words like honor, duty, country and remembrance just cinematic punch lines? What will your answer be when you are asked to join the legions that form to remove treason and treachery from the White House?
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:41:16 +0000

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