Do not touch Gods anointed This is a phrase that is often heard - TopicsExpress


Do not touch Gods anointed This is a phrase that is often heard to indicate the respect we show our pastors and unconditional obedience that we provide . If it is true that the pastor has been anointed by God to the ministry , the biblical text means that pastors are literally untouchable. Oppose them , or criticize them, then come to be a very serious sin , and submit to them the only legitimate attitude. And what is true for pastors, also applies to other leaders , especially prophets. If you are anointed of God, who would dare to touch them ? But is that what this phrase means biblically ? To interpret well , we have to search the Scriptures with magnifying glass to properly understand its meaning We all know that a text without context is a pretext is a text that is being manipulated for purposes other than genuine fidelity to the Word of God. Such is the case with this phrase , which comes from a very interesting story . Young David was a fugitive from King Saul , who sought to kill him. At one point , Saul slept in a cave not knowing it was more in David and his men (I Sam 24:3 ) . All a golden opportunity God is giving David ! His men , very spiritually told David that was the day that God promised when He said , Behold, give your enemy into your hand , and you shall do to him as it seems . But surprisingly , David did not kill the king slept but only cut off the edge of the mantle of Saul to show that he had saved the life of his own enemy. Then David said to his men , The Lord forbid me to do such a thing to my master , the LORDs anointed , to stretch forth mine hand against him ; for he is the anointed of the Lord (I Sam 24:6,10 ) . Later, when she gets another chance to kill Saul , David says , who can stretch forth his hand against the Lords anointed and be guiltless ? ( 26:9,11,16,23 , II Samuel 1:14, the kings of Israel were crowned but not anointed , so anointed became known as ) . So what does this phrase mean to us today? Very easy! Christians should not take hold our pastors physically , much less kill them. Doing more than that of the sentence, is to manipulate the text and abusing Gods Word . The same phrase appears in Psalm 105:15 : Not Saying, Touch not mine anointed , neither make my prophets . Here it refers to them prophets and prohibits physical violence. True prophets were not unpopular with the powerful, because his message was hard, and many died violently ( cf. I Kings 19:10,14 ) . So Jesus Jewish leaders denounced as children of them which killed the prophets (Matthew 23:31) , and exclaimed, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stones those who are sent (23 : 37). A persecuted for the gospel , Jesus agreed to them so they persecuted the prophets who were before you ( Matt. 5:11-12 ) . So then, what does this phrase in Psalm 105:15 ? Very easy! We should not do physical violence against the prophets of God, much less kill them. All this has nothing to do with physical violence and nothing prohibits responsible criticism or doubt healthy pastors , prophets and other leaders. Not at all mean that they are untouchables , whom we must give blind obedience . They are not God, nor dictators, but servants of the Lord, the gospel and the flock. The quoted phrase refers only to physical violence , not some kind of authority in the style of the Pope in Rome. Such authoritarian clericalism is totally unbiblical and anti - pastoral . Criticizing leaders healthily is not a sin but a duty of all Christians in Christ and Christian . In fact, according to the New Testament , every believer is a anointed of God , because we all have the anointing of the Holy Spirit (I John 2:20,27 , I Corinthians 1:21-22 ) . That is precisely the meaning of Pentecost . So when someone calls Paul prophesied in the congregation , the others judge (I Cor 14:29). Also, to the Thessalonians, with specific reference to the prophetic gift , urging them not to quench the Spirit nor despise prophecies , but yes, Prove all things (even pastors and prophets ) and keep what is good (and criticize, in love, evil, I Thessalonians 5:19-21 ) .
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 16:13:45 +0000

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