Do not wait until your depression is bad enough to seek help. The - TopicsExpress


Do not wait until your depression is bad enough to seek help. The longer you wait, the more agony youre putting yourself through. Any depression is bad enough to seek help. If you dont know where to find help, start with your general doctor, or the campus health or counseling center. They should be able to help you get to the right place. Set small realistic goals for yourself, and when you meet them, celebrate. Break down big tasks into smaller, bite-sized ones that can be completed more easily. That will help to see how you can best manage your priorities. Try (this may sound ridiculously hard) to get active. Exercise. The chemicals you release when you work out can really boost your mood. Try for 8 hours of sleep a night. Depression usually comes with sleep issues (too much or too little) which can make your mood suffer. Try to get a better nights sleep more consistently. Get some sunlight and fresh air every day. Reduce stress. No matter how you do it, let some of it go. Stress can impede depression treatment and actually TRIGGER depression. Find what works for you and do it. Even if it sounds like a horrible idea, try to set aside some time for activities you used to like. Go to a movie with friends. Go out to dinner. Do something. Dont isolate yourself (even though its really tempting). Let people in and let people you trust know that you are struggling. Let other people help you. You may have to ask for the help, but know that it is not the burden you feel it is. Thats the depression talking. The depression has some really nasty things to say sometimes. Try and tune that mean voice out and remember that you are worth it. You really are. Soon, those awful, mean thoughts will be replaced by more positive thoughts. So keep holding on. Challenge those nasty thoughts (negative thoughts) with this: would you say these things to a friend? Allow for imperfections. Youre not perfect. Im not perfect. NO ONE is perfect. Find some positive people to be around. Positivity can do a lot to improve your outlook on life. Just like treatment for diabetes or liver disease, your symptoms will not improve overnight. Getting help does not mean that you are cured instantly. Boost B-vitamin consumption while minimizing sugar and refined carbohydrates. Complex carbs are okay. Dont make any important decisions (getting married, having a baby, having another baby, moving across the country) while the depression has its teeth in you. Wait until you are feeling better, calmer, and can discuss the ideas with a loved one. Educate yourself. Learn all that you can. Find things that work for you. Dont be discouraged if what works for your friend doesnt help you. Depression is unique. Find a support group. Support groups are great places to feel less alone, less like a freak, and learn new and better coping mechanisms. bandbacktogether
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 03:57:20 +0000

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