Do not waste time and energy thrashing around like a fish out of - TopicsExpress


Do not waste time and energy thrashing around like a fish out of water, blaming your conditions and circumstances on somebody else. Simply know that it is all in your hands. Therefore you can rectify it yourself without any help from anyone else when you take the time to find inner peace and stillness and wait upon Me. Nothing will be hidden from you when you seek it and when you lay all before Me and seek to do My will and My will alone. You will only find what My will is when you learn to be still. Do not try too hard; let go, relax and find that peace of heart and mind which opens all doors and reveals the light of truth. You will find you will achieve far more when you can relax and put everything into My hands. Then very quietly wait upon Me and allow things to flow freely and naturally without any effort on your part, and so unfold in true perfection. Eileen Caddy To piggyback on Eileens teaching, I find it powerful to note that the child: 1. Cries out for help 2. Acknowledges his circumstances, accepts, then becomes still 3. Listens 4. Acts/responds to what he hears 5. Finds his mom, by focusing in on the sense which had just compensated for his lack of physical eyesight 6. Used this same sense as a gift in conjunction with the gift of music within him and made his contribution to the world!!! Mothers must not only teach their children how to become independent people, but also how to overcome their fears... Sometimes, not to help in the present is to help in the future! https://youtube/watch?v=hkmvuV6PK20
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:28:36 +0000

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