Do not work with me, Unless: You want to save on medical bills - TopicsExpress


Do not work with me, Unless: You want to save on medical bills - Heart stents are thousands of dollars, a health + wellness coach is $65-$300 per visit. You can’t really put a price on the time you can spend with your family or extra time to be healthy and make contributions to society. Not to mention the difference you make in the lives of others. Need increased energy – do you ever dream of being able to be productive past 3 p.m.? Do you ever feel like you run out of gas way to early in the day? Do you feel like you need some kind of boost to get you through? Could use help with goals and accountability? – Do you have grand intentions, but you fall off after a couple weeks for one reason or another? You really need someone to listen to you. – You would think we could talk to our friends and family, but sometimes no one is there or they are preoccupied with their own event or we just want someone who is non judgmental or unattached to the outcome. You would like easy access and direction to educational resources on nutrition, fitness and lifestyle- Health + wellness coaches have been educated on thousands of dietary theories, career, family, relationship, fitness, spiritual and nutrition. While they don’t prescribe, they have the education that allows them to access resources that can benefit and guide. You need ways to live a healthy lifestyle and still enjoy time with friends and family, even if they are unhealthy. – It can be pretty tricky when you make healthy changes and the people around you are not ready. They can throw up road blocks, stand in your way and object. It can be done and having someone on your side always makes it easier. Have a doctors diagnosis and need help following a protocol. – Doctors don’t have time to do everything. That is where health + wellness coaches come in. A good health + wellness coach can work hand in hand with your doctor to help you move toward a healthier lifestyle within the guidelines your doctor sets up for you. You don’t have enough time for yourself. – So many of us put so much into everyone else’s lives, we shortchange ourselves. A health + wellnezs coach can help with that. You are stressed and not dealing with it well. Secrets to alleviate and prevent stress can make you healthier, improve your relationships and even help you to lose weight. Chronic health issues have crept up and you just don’t know where to start to make lifestyle changes. It is really hard to navigate recovery and restoring health. Knowing the foods that support you and give you immunity, reduce inflammation and give you more energy is only half the battle. Accountability and support in supporting your health is irreplaceable. You’d really like to make some changes but you just can’t seem to stick with it. A health + wellness coach can be the difference between dropping off early and achieving your goals. Are you considering a diet because you want to lose weight fast? Health + wellness coaches have studied all the dietary theories and will show you how to lose weight by adding, not subtracting. You will make gradual changes that are sustainable. A triathlon is coming up and your performance needs to improve. A health + wellness coach has access to everything you need to improve your pre-workout and post workout recovery. Why try to stumble through it when you can get educated guidance? Your family needs to make some nutrition changes and you would like to learn some healthy new recipes. Learning some new foods and meals can help you bring your family to a new and healthier level. Health + wellness coaches can provide you with recipes that are nutritious and tasty. Your kitchen is set up with a deep fat fryer, microwave and you want to reassess your needs for a well equipped healthy kitchen. A kitchen makeover and grocery store tour can go a long way to get you and your family on the road to nutritious meals. You are grieving and could just use an ear. Dealing with loss involves many feelings, having someone to talk to can help to alleviate depression, fear, guilt, sorrow. A health + wellness coach can listen when you need it most. If any of this resonates with you, maybe it is time to give yourself the gift of health. Talk to a health + welness coach. A health + wellness coach can help you clarify, learn and move forward. Health + wellness coaches are a much needed addition to the field of health care.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:21:27 +0000

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