Do read it. Really IMPORTANT. Assalamualaikum Friend, Hope - TopicsExpress


Do read it. Really IMPORTANT. Assalamualaikum Friend, Hope youre well. This week I have a question for you: How often do you sit with yourself and ask yourself the following questions: How am I doing as a Muslim? How am I doing as a Mother/Father/Son/Daughter? How am I doing as an Employee/Boss? How am I doing as a member of a community/Ummah/Humanity? How am I doing as a Human Being? Not the easiest questions to ask oneself, but trying to answer them can open a whole new level of insight into your life that you may not be aware of. As were all busy with the daily aspects of our lives, taking time to reflect and ask the above questions, can make a whole difference to the quality of our lives and help to put perspective in what were running after. A practical tip to make such reflection part of your life: Open your calendar/diary, and book yourself 3-4 hour slot 3 weeks from now. Call it Personal Retreat When the day comes, pack some pen and paper, go somewhere quiet in your neighbourhood/city (or even travel to another town if you want) and sit at a Cafe or Park to ask yourself the above tough questions Plan action points on ways to improve yourself in each of the areas of Islam, Work, Family, and Community Repeat the above every 3 months Hope this helps. Sincerely, Abu Productive
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:16:02 +0000

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