Do the ETs have a “master plan” for contact with Earth - TopicsExpress


Do the ETs have a “master plan” for contact with Earth civilization? Joseph Burkes MD 2014 A PERSONAL CRISIS FOR A CE-5 WORKING GROUP COORDINATOR Twenty-one years ago I was having a crisis in self-confidence concerning my lack of psychic ability. I had been a contact team leader in Los Angeles for less than a year and felt inadequate to the task for a few reasons, most notably in the psi area. I “sent out to the universe” the thought that if I was going to continue to serve as a coordinator of contact activities then I was going to need some assistance. I wanted a boost not only in my psychic talents, but also a closer more direct relationship with UFO intelligence. Help arrived in a series of anomalous experiences that occurred while in an altered state of consciousness. This was associated with meditation or simply resting quietly in bed. On a half dozen occasions a series of visualizations combined with complex abstract thoughts appeared in my mind. They had a dream like quality, but unlike any dream I had nearly total recall of all the details that I still clearly remember some two decades later. IN A THEATER OF THE MIND I ENCOUNTER “ALIENS” You might say they were “awake dreams.” And were quite striking in that I “met” a number of alleged ET beings, each with a distinct personality. In different sessions “they” told me “their version” of what the contact drama was all about. The information was “downloaded” into my consciousness as series of “contact experiences” that did not fit into any “Close Encounters” category. The setting of this “theater of the mind” was usually on board “ET craft.” There my “instructors” explained complex ideas in detail with some surprising visual aids. I have learned recently that this kind of “encounter” is not uncommon among experiencers and are sometimes called “contact downloads.” COSMIC CONTACT PLAN While in a slightly altered state, I was led to believe that their “mission” to our planet has been unfolding over centuries, that highly trained ETs interacted with us according to detailed plans and that they would assist our civilization to peacefully evolve. This “evolution” alleged involved a transformation of human consciousness thus allowing us to join a community of advanced civilizations. I must admit that this type of material is standard fare for many contactees. Do I believe what “they” (whoever they might be) “told” me is true? Well I guess the answer is both yes and no. Yes, in the sense that I have an emotional need to believe that a positive outcome is possible from my promoting peaceful interactions with UFO intelligence. Many friends and colleagues I suspect wish that I might have selected a more popular doctors’ hobby, like say golf these past three decades. Back in the early 1990’s when I started “contact work,” I recall hearing more than once the expression that Dr. Joe Burkes had “lost it.” Those criticisms aside, I strive to maintain some sense of objectivity about these anomalous experiences. On general principles I must question the veracity of this type of highly subjective communication that occurs among UFO experiencers. Yes it is thrilling to get such narratives via mind. However since the “lessons” were apparently co-created by the so-called “ETs” and me, I can’t help but wonder how much of what I experienced was a reflection of my inner desires and not necessarily the presentation of any “master plan” by benevolent star folk. So is there an ET master plan? And if so, how do we find out what it is? A HIGHLY SPECULATIVE ANALYSIS How do we know whether it is really “their plan” or just our wishful thinking? For argument’s sake let’s assume a “master plan” really does exist. Why should experiencers bother to consider following it? Or instead should we revise it for our needs? And how can we reasonably expect to explain such strange notions as a “master plan,” to the rest of the UFO subculture let alone to the larger society? I understand that these questions are highly subjective and speculative in the extreme. Nevertheless UFO enthusiasts in general, experiencers in particular and especially contact network activists, those whom I like to call “contact workers,” in my opinion should all become aware of the unseen forces that are at play in the contact drama that is unfolding all around us. MECHANISMS OF CONTACT UFO intelligence in my experience interacts with us at a number of levels, conscious in terms of sightings, and unconscious in terms of the strange surfacing of memories of contact experiences that might have occurred in the distant past. Another characteristic of contact is a sudden desire to learn about UFOs that quickly becomes so passionate that it is labeled an “obsession” by family and friends who would just rather not think about such ‘foolish” things. Increased understanding of our psychological motivations while interacting with non-human intelligence will help us explain to others our strange passion to investigate the UFO mystery. It is a phenomenon that in my opinion triggers a kind of “manic denial” in the “control groups,” who should know better, but nevertheless are trying to keep a lid on the public debate. THE CHALLENGE OF FLYING SAUCERS This denial of the reality of UFOs and their importance is also manifest by the public’s superficial fascination in contact as portrayed in science fiction stories. Beneath the surface however, at a subconscious level, I suspect that many find the issue of UFOs deeply disturbing. In a certain sense flying saucers are teaching us what I imagine is our place in the universe. Learning what that place truly is will in my opinion lead to a radical transformation of human consciousness. This process won’t be easy. For many it will be a challenging Earth shaking event.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 05:13:10 +0000

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