“Do the Work of an Evangelist” (2 Timothy - TopicsExpress


“Do the Work of an Evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5) ……………….Brothers, what shall we do? Acts 2:37b “Brothers, what shall we do” is a question that should bother the mind of everyone who is concerned about the unsaved souls. “ And I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But he was in my heart as a burning fire and within my bones; I tried to forbear, and I could not (J...eremiah 20:9). Right from the point apostle Paul was knocked down on his way to Damascus, despite his trembling state, he was quick to ask:“What would you have me do Lord” (Acts 9:6). The rich fool died because he failed to understand that every opportunity in life is an opportunity for mission. God wants “the what shall we do people and not the sit down and watch kind of people” (Matthew 16:19) Now that God has helped you, what must you do to put smiles on peoples’ faces? You were not saved to warm the pews? You were saved to save others. What will the world remember you for? If people who were not born again could touch the world positively, what will you do as a carrier of the Holy Spirit? You were brought here to be a solution to the world’s problems. During Jesus life here on earth; although some criticized him they couldn’t do him any harm because he was a positive influence during his time (Matthew 21:46); his death was a fulfillment of prophecy. Yes some jubilated at his crucifixion but the truth is, the entire Jewish community wept at his death. Let the question: “What can I do” fill your mind everyday. Develop a mission consciousness. Develop a regime that enables you to continuously want to bless others around you. Be a solution finder. People who continuously ask “what can I do Lord” become more useful in God’s hands than people who just talk about problems without proffering solutions.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 05:08:26 +0000

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