Do u know the dance called 1. AZONTO 2. AKAEDA 3. AMANDA .Do u - TopicsExpress


Do u know the dance called 1. AZONTO 2. AKAEDA 3. AMANDA .Do u know the meaning of these Dances? Do u know that all dis Dances A as their beginning. (A=Anti-christ) Do u also know that each contains 6 letter words 1. A=AZONTO -6, 2. AKAEDA =6 3.AMANDA 6(666)This means anybody dancing dis dance, dance to the devil ............... Tonga they rhyme with corna................ Will u come With me to my corna. ............... All that we are concentrated on is ourself what is corna ... The word corna is used by the illuminati as a sign of the beast that is the devil ............... It is lie. Plez search the meaning of corna From the internet . Mattew 13:14 says hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive ; plez let us let the world know what is right and wrong .
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 16:57:13 +0000

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