Do we miss out something during Christmas? Now this is the - TopicsExpress


Do we miss out something during Christmas? Now this is the festive time, the time of Christmas. This is one of the most popular holiday seasons in the world. As many Christians are understanding more and more about the origins of Christmas, they are wondering whether to participate in Christmas customs. First of all we should remember that in the Bible there is no command to keep Christmas as a sacred day like the Sabbath. Therefore it is not a biblical holiday. But traditionally majority of Christians, and even non-Christians celebrate it. Concerns regarding pagan origins of Christmas are nothing new. Controversies over Christmas go back over hundreds of years. The puritans in the English parliament actually managed to ban Christmas celebration for a period of time stating it as a “popish festival with no biblical justification”. Even in colonial America there was a time (1659) when Christmas was outlawed. Bible surely highlights the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:7). It not only describes the glorious announcement of the Christ’s birth (v 13) but also tells of shepherds coming to worship the newborn child (v 16). These humble worshipers did not remain silent about what they saw either (v 17). Furthermore, there is a record of wise men from the east bringing gifts to Jesus, though this might have occurred when Jesus was an infant aged a year or two (Matthew 2:11). There are lessons we can learn from both humble and learned people worshiping and bringing gifts to the incarnated God. Bible clearly states that Christ was born of Mary in Bethlehem, although no exact date is given. The scriptures say that the news of His birth was announced by angels to shepherds abiding in nearby fields (in winter shepherds will not stay outside with flock). Because of this some scholars believe that Jesus was born in the fall (September), not at the beginning of winter (December). Whatever be the pagan elements involved in Christmas, most of the people know that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birth. But in reality people spend more time during Christmas season cruising shopping malls than contemplating the life of our savior. Actually the Snowman and Reindeer compete with wise men and shepherds for our attention. During the flurry of activity surrounding the Christmas Eve the materialistic opulence overshadows the simple stable where Christ was actually born. Thus many Christians are more concerned about the current practice of Christmas celebration than its pagan origins. Just think the other way. What if Christians spend more time and money witnessing for Christ during Christmas? What would be the outcome if more families dedicate their time and money to serve the poor and advance the cause of the gospel through a short mission activity period during Christmas? How much more our churches will grow spiritually, if believers gathered together during this time and studied the prophecies of Christ’s first advent, at the same time concentrating on His impending second advent? There are two groups of Christians who celebrate Christmas. Some Christians say that they keep Christmas, but not as holy. Yet another group think that they truly worship on Christmas by attending a Christmas concert or midnight mass. Bible says “He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord” (Rom. 14:6). “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). It has always been the strategy of Satan to mix truth with error. Devil delightfully mixes bits of inaccuracies in the form of myths into the solid teachings of the Bible. Just like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, many who have never really read the Bible, toss out Christ child along with mythological figure of Saint Nicholas and his elves. We should be careful when teaching children about Christmas. Never teach children legends outside the Bible as if it is related to the birth of Jesus. These types of false mythical stories will lead young minds to question the validity of even rest of the Bible. Even if we may think it is fun, we should be very careful to not confuse kids about the facts of the Scripture. We exchange lot of gifts during the Christmas season. But we should focus more on the gift of Jesus from our father in heaven. When we spend a lot of money on Christmas shopping, have we ever thought how much we spent on Christ and for His work? The wise men brought a lot of gifts to Jesus, instead of buying gifts to each other. Do we? This is an opportunity to worship Jesus. The miraculous way in which Jesus was born in a virgin, teaches us how Jesus will be born in the hearts of men supernaturally by the power of the Holy Spirit. We should contemplate on how “the Word as made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). The lesson we should learn is Jesus wants to live out His life in you. The word of God should become alive through your flesh. When we celebrate so much about His first coming, we should look forward with expectation to His second coming. If the first coming was so real, then will not the second coming also be so real. Christmas time should reminds us of the need to prepare ourselves for His second coming. The shepherds who came to know about the birth of the Messiah, spread the news all around. Likewise are we propagating the good news about Jesus to the people around us? Jesus should be at the center of all the celebrations of Christmas. Christ should not be buried by the fanfare. We should not lose focus. Christmas is all about Jesus and the miracle of incarnation. Let this same Christ to be born in our hearts also. May God bless us! Welcome to this page for more messages https://facebook/SomeTruthsThatYouShouldNotMiss
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:16:31 +0000

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