Do we need Jesus to protect us from God? I continue to get - TopicsExpress


Do we need Jesus to protect us from God? I continue to get questions from fundamentalist Christians, who not only follow Jesus, but worship him. They ask: Where is Jesus in all of this New Thought and Expanded Consciousness stuff?” Eric Butterworth in his book, Discover the Power Within You: A Guide to the Unexplored Depths Within wrote: The history of man on the eternal quest has been a strange odyssey. In his search for the “holy grail” man has looked everywhere and in vain, but he has failed to look within himself. Occasionally, a prophet came, telling of the world within.(Jesus was one of them) But instead of following him into the deeper experience, men invariably made a god of the prophet—worshiped him, (killed him) and built monuments to him. They then trapped themselves in a religious practice that had no within. How many times has this happened? How many religions are there in the world? The pages of history tell and retell the story of mystic teachers who found it and of the ensuing religions that lost it. The issue of our religious disparities starts with fear-based theologies that teach that God or the gods are angry and need to be appeased or horrifying destruction will come, both now and in eternity. This is where and why humans began formulating religious and moral codes designed to appease an angry God or please a difficult one. So far the prescriptions havent worked, but a few placebos seem to, at least temporarily. Christianity, the religion I was born and reared in, believes that we need Jesus to protect us from the wrath of God. He (Jesus) is God dying thru crucifixion, primarily the blood part of it, more than the asphyxiation, to appease and please this same God, so He wont torture His creation with eternal damnation in a customized torture chamber called hell. Virtually, Jesus protects believers only from such terrorizing anger and judgment. Do you really believe this? And if so, why? And does this really feel right, deep down in your heart and spirit, or is it just religious manipulations based on tradition (traded down presuppositions), ignorance, culture, fear and some 2000 years of entrenched indoctrination? We can all be free from this psychosis if we honestly go within and hear the divine in us speak, to, thru and as us. Join me tonight for Streaming Consciousness at bishoppearson, 8:30-9:30pm CST, and hear more about new ways of seeing, sensing and experiencing God within.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 16:17:21 +0000

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