Do we really have an effective intelligence network or its a kind - TopicsExpress


Do we really have an effective intelligence network or its a kind of job creation to president Musevens sycophants and people whom he hires to do funny things. Considering the Kasese Bundibugyo attacks just a few month back,president put the blame on his intelligence which had failures which he did not raise. President Museven on Tuesday 9th of September 2014 went to Wakiso to launch his loan schemes to the youth. As one of his sycophant was busy assuring him that president we got the money, two youths came out and made it clear to the president that there is no money on the accounts. President Museven instead of firing whoever was involved in frauding him, he confirmed to them that those who have been cooking that food paralized it so he is going to cook it again and promised them to come back and launch the loan scheme in october after the independence day. But to my surprise, he has many people working on his behalf on every district like RDC,COA,ISO,DPC,PISO ETC. Amongst those people, is Muwanga Lutaya who is believed to be an ISO agent, went on the media mobilizing the youth to go and claim for that money and assured them that it is already on the accounts. Abudallah Kitanta assured the public that Muwanga Lutaya is a money maker and ISO agent who keeps on begging people money to promote and defend them while on the media. He said that while responding to his attacks where he accused him of owning guns .... The castodian of internal security General Kale Kaihura has no safety of intelligence gatherings in that civilians can get access to intelligence gatherings. #AudioTapes which leaked. Considering what happened at Namboole, the public had already been informed that power will go off in the stadium where they advised the public to with torches. Intelligence ignored that but now NRM sycophants are complaining. All in all. Mr Museven is like NORLONGER the president instead there are people forcing an old tired person to claim that he is president when he can go to launch things that really do not exist. He launched a nursery bed for tree seedlings but if you pass their at Kireka Northern by pass, the bed is empty. He launches tap water which only work at his presence and when he set off, the water also cease to be available. The same thing to electricity! If president Museven is really president and does not fear those people waning him with in his government,let him FIRE THEM OUT IF HE IS REALLY THE ONE IN CHARGE OF THE SYSTEM! BUT WE ARE TIRED OF MISUSING OUR MONEY AT THE EXPENSE OF THE SUFFERING ONES WHEN THE ONES PERPETUATING THE SUFFERING GO UNTOUCHED ON DUE TO FEAR OF OUSTING YOU OUT OF POWER
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:17:26 +0000

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