Do ya ever find that there are some days when its just hard to be - TopicsExpress


Do ya ever find that there are some days when its just hard to be you? Today, it was kinda hard to be me LOL! Woke up, excited about a nice quiet day. Took my time feeding the crew and then a van pulled up with some simply amazing wonderful kiddos from Vantage Point. They were here for a field trip. I had TOTALLY let it slip thru my brain. I was mortified. I gathered my thoughts and we began our morning of fun. We werent going to do riding as I have no volunteers on Fridays. That changed as God gave me ears to listen. As we took the tour, one young boy was so fearful of getting close to any of the animals, was afraid of bugs and just so fearful of nearly everything, hiding behind his teacher the whole time. All the kids were excited, chattering, asking millions of questions. Many asked if we would be riding and I would say no not today. THEN, this one slip of a boy that was so fearful began asking to ride. My brain snapped to attention! Lord, help me figure this out!! As we walked back from visiting our big guy, Revelation, I took one of the teachers aside and asked if they would be willing to help and wed give all the kids a ride. Her answer was yes and everyone got a helmet. There were 10 kiddos in all. With excitement and apprehension, the kids lined up and the rides began. When it came time for the fearful boy to ride, you could just see the fear, and excitement. HE WAS GOING TO RIDE A HORSE!! As he stepped up the mounting steps, I had him focus on my face, listen to directions and we got him up! You could see the mix of emotions on his face. Fear, happiness, glee, then.....JOY!! We took two turns about the round pen and he dismounted. Not only did he ride, he rode bareback, just like a cowboy :-) :-) I was in tears. Today, God took a tired, forgetful ranch lady and gave her a gift like none other. The joy of an overcomer. Thanks God :-) :-) :-) :-)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 23:28:59 +0000

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