Do you all agree with my comment? Personally I am really - TopicsExpress


Do you all agree with my comment? Personally I am really disappointed with standard right now because of how one dimensional it is. I find MTG the most fun when two players are actively trying to devise a board state strategy and outplay their opponent. Unfortunately standard is really lazy right now. This was how I answered a question of how I felt about standard and in particular Thoughtsieze: Most complaints I have from the more Timmy or Johnny type players about what makes magic unfun are: Excessive or too powerful counterspells, hand disruption, and land destruction. You can see a theme here, players actually want to cast spells. I was really surprised when thoughtsieze was reprinted in standard and not modern masters as I knew it would be the best card and really define the format. It is just something as brewers we are either going to have to accept and work with, or find some way to work around it. I am not a fan of standard right now. All of the big three decks are very unfun to play and play against. Monoblack disrupts the hand and then slams creatures that usually are easily dealt with and would see little play without the power of thoughtsieze proactively protecting them. Esper control plays lazy cards like supreme verdict, an uncounterable board wipe, and sphinxs revelation, that does BOTH of what a control decks desperately needs to stabilize, life gain AND card draw. Then, we have Boros Burn that could give two craps about what you are doing and just slings burn spells straight to the face. Standard is Zzzzzzzzzzz.... right now.
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 17:18:30 +0000

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