Do you all know why the Pharisees hated Jesus? Because the Words - TopicsExpress


Do you all know why the Pharisees hated Jesus? Because the Words He spoke were Life to their dead insides. This caused oppression in there hearts because the words that Jesus spoke were a judgment on their wicked hearts. They thought they were better than the fellow brethren and the Gentiles. I tell you truly this day you will surely not enter the Kingdom if you do not become as a slave. You must not think you are better than any man or woman. In doing this you will have no trouble in arguing or fighting or anger. How? Because when you are angry with one another you are fighting against there word they spoke to you. You are believing that you are of privilege and of rights. I tell you right now most people in this nation believe they have birth rights and God given rights. I agree with only one right that should not and that I will only fight to defend. Jesus is my God. I will not betray Him in His Name. With all these other rights that we as a nation believe we have is not true. We are slaves to one thing or another thing. The God of this universe or the Father of Lies. In Light of that again do not think you are free because you are only free if you are a slave and those that think they are free are slaves. Be free in giving your life up for ransom for you brother and sister or that stranger that is odd looking in the worlds standards not Christs standards. Entertain that man or woman because you never know he or she might be an angel. Do not run from these people in fear they may steal kill or destroy the worldly possessions. Which very well includes the children you have in your backseat whom you would die to protect. If this is true and you would die to protect them than die to yourself this day. Die to your worrisome fear that you are held under by death of your earthly body and theirs. This will protect your children. Not showing them you dont trust God by skipping right past the stranger on the road that God will use to show your kids from a young age God has put to rest the fear of harm that has engulfed this world. Stop seeking things of charity that are easy and that you do for a show of glory to your own credit. Be of heart show some real Love for the God that you say is yours and do not be afraid to pick him or her up. I was once that stranger walking on the side of the road in need of a warm heart and a warm seat if only for a short ride. Be courageous and fight that fear of evil and even if you did get robbed stabbed murdered or whatever this is a step of faith that will be remembered because you did what the real Christian or preacher would do. Moved in action in secret. No body knows that you picked some old man or young kid up besides you and God. Do not harass my God anymore with your fake phony half religion that grips you at this moment. Its time now that you chose whom your God is before you are demolished from your mindset of riding that fence you love. I say by Gods amazing Grace He opened my eyes and changed my heart completely for His grace. Who in this life is to say you will not be changed before my very eyes too? NOBODY. Romans 8:1 says, Therefore, there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. In this we know that Grace upon Grace upon Grace upon Grace is what leads us in our daily walk. Do not trouble yourselves with doing what right in the eyes of the world. But seek first the Kingdom and all His righteousness and all of these things will be added to you. Those of you who mourn now will laugh later. Those of you who sing now will weep later. You must be of sober eye opening judgment if you want the Truth to set you free and it will set you free. The mind governed by the flesh or this world and its views is death but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. You wonder now and ask God, But God all I know is the world I cant understand what your Bible means! Those that seek their lives will lose it and those that lose their life for His Names sake will find life. Romans 8:10-11 But if Christ is in you then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you. Therefore, brothers and sisters I have an obligation to tell you that whether you have faith the size of a pea or the size of this great nation do not be discouraged but know now that with this faith given to you in His Name you will tell this mountain in front of you to move and go there and it will be done. Worry not about clothes or food but worry about your brothers and sisters and the lost who are falling more in the conformity of this world. Seek to Glorify Him in everything you say. How can the mouth of a man say one moment Praise to God and the next moment curse Him to death. Because the tongue is the hardest to control. If you can control your tongue than you will Glorify Him in all your actions. Where the heart lies is where your treasure is. If you seek God and all His riches you will find unspeakable Joy and Peace only you and God can understand. If you seek the Devil and anything this world has to offer that you can see with your own to eyes or accomplish on your own. Then I promise you will never taste death were there is rest but fire that will cause unrest and a lake that will never quench your thirst. So be of heart brothers and sisters. We are guarded by His Faithfulness to make Him like Himself. But we must taste death first. In this there is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. And the greatest of these is Love because you can give your life up to be burned on a stake or give all your earthly treasures to the poor but without Love all of this is meaningless. Unless you do all if these good things out of the kindness of His heart and not the kindness which is really the pride of your heart than you will receive your glory here on earth from men and will gain nothing from God. Lets pray. God in heaven Honor to Your Name. Your Kingdom come. Your Will wills to be done. On earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily spiritual food. Take away our wicked hearts. As you have done this in us for those who have wronged us. Lead us not to question you Mighty Hand and Will in our lives. Deliver us from the wickedness of our selves and the one who deceived us. Praise Christ forever. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:18:01 +0000

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