Do you believe in God? Do you believe His word is true? Or do you - TopicsExpress


Do you believe in God? Do you believe His word is true? Or do you bear witness to denominational doctrines that interprets the word through their theory? How can be one in Christ if we literally believe 30,000 different things? And whose doctrine matches that of the Book to the tee? Now one will say no ones does so they just accept what is? Is that our excuse to God on judgment day? I followed the men with the most right in their speech?! He gave us the bible for a purpose and sent the Helper for a reason. If the Helper will teach us all things and bear witness to the way, truth and the life then why would we supersede that with the doctrines of men? Isnt that the overall fight in the gospels? Why do we add to what was said or take things away? Why are we still taking fruit from the tree of death? For the world is filled with churches,synagogues, tabernacles, and halls; yet the world is falling away. We were told not to follow the old testament yet in the old testament it warns us to stay away from those who teach other than whats in the book. To ignore anyone who doesnt teach us the law. Jesus himself speaks down towards anyone who teaches against any one piece of the law. Frustration overtakes me, at times, with their eyes they really dont perceive and with their ears they really dont hear. We theorize and rationalize godly things, we fail to grasp earthly things as well. Can you not go without breaking Gods law? Do you know the Israel of old failed to do so because they did not believe in God? They were just keeping to the letter like we do with mans law today. And how many of us keep mans law? We try to skate around the less harmful ones for the same reason, we have no faith in man. So can one be a sinner (practice sin) and still have the Spirit in them? Is your temple a duplex? Can evil and good occupy the same space at the same time? Is not the mind at war with the flesh? Do you produce the fruits of the spirit? Or do you show the sins of the flesh? I could produce a verse for every question, but would that make one believe? Arent you supposed to be studying the bible more so than you studied to get your diploma or degree? Can one deny himself/herself and hate the world and say God I believe then in the same day watch tv shows to be entertained by the things of the world? Can you be entertained by things you say you hate? Can you not be of the world but fascinated by things in it? Should you not have chapters memorized like a rapper can quote an album? For the children of satan are more equipped than the so-called saints? Or maybe they are one and the same? Can you not keep the law and be considered a child of God, disobedient to His instructions? Are we like Adam and Eve still? Are we gonna lay blame on others at judgment day?: It was the pastor you gave us, it was the wife/husband I chose, I had to provide for the family so I didnt have time to study to know, it was tv, it was crack, it was...blah, blah, blah. Did we not see how everyone was found guilty? Did we not see where they went wrong? Do we still think that an apple looked good enough to make one wise? Can we still not discern good from evil? Did we not read the whole of the old testament and still not know how God treats disobedience? Do you really think he judged and destroyed many for a law that He knew we couldnt keep so He can sacrifice His son so that you can no longer have a law to break? Do you need a masters degree to see the logic of this post? Is your heart so stuck on your own desires that you refuse to look into the light? Are you so drawn to the fruit of the tree that you wont read to recognize the tree? Are you looking to be led by men rather than to be the follower of the true and living God? A pastor, elder, bishop, teacher is a helper, a tutor, not the one you are supposed to follow. Who is your head-covering? Pastor Wolf or Jesus the Christ? We let slick words, witty sayings and shiny things be our deciding factors. We allow intelligence of men to be how we discern whats true instead of putting our faith in God. I know for a fact one can logically argue anything especially when that person knows more than the other person. Do you think satan is an idiot? Do you think existing since the beginning doesnt teach you a thing or two about man? Do you not think he knows many things? How even he tried to deceive Jesus? Did you not notice how he magically placed Jesus and himself on the pinnacle of the synagogue? Did you not notice how he magically placed Jesus and himself on the top of the highest peak? Did you not notice that this world has been given over to him and he has been at work the whole time? That he has been cast out of heaven to the earth and this is where he resides? Did you not notice that the antichrist will perform miracles that can deceive even the very elect? Well how will we know whos who? It is in the bible, you must read it. Study it. KNOW it. There shouldnt be 30,000 sects of christianity, all believing something different. One body, One mind, One spirit. The church and Israel should be one assembly not divided into a bunch. Didnt the bible teach of these things? Isnt something similar given in a parable about a divided house? Doesnt the bible speak of the lawless men being of separation and strife? Sin is lawlessness. How can someone like me, of all people, get this? This is plain as day. Yahweh, pls open their eyes that they may perceive, open their ears that they may hear. They are still stiff-necked, contrite people. The truth has been saturated with all kind of abominations. The people cant hear through all the vanity. The people cant see when their is no light. Wake up Israel, please Yahweh, wake up Israel.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:27:34 +0000

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