Do you believe in signs? Would you believe me if I told you that I - TopicsExpress


Do you believe in signs? Would you believe me if I told you that I was having a really bad day, just sad, thinking of everything that transpired, and looking back on what was and what is and then I see this message from this beautiful soul. Here is the best part, the message was dated from October 6th, and I only happen to see it on the day I needed to hear it the most. Yes, I am a Believer. Words are kind, this meant so much to me. This is a sign......Spread the LOVE xo Alicia, I have read some of your comments on your web site...I am amazed at your deep level of insight and wisdom. What you have learned and have applied to your life through your trials and tribulations have been at the level of wisdom exhibited by a very wise elderly lady. Of course, you are not elderly (but a beautiful, lovely young woman). Further, your processing of your circumstances, with the many implications for your children, shows me that you have your childrens safety and well-being as your central focus...that right there shows me that you are a good mom. My heart feels for have had exceptional stressors collapse into your life with no apparent red flags of warning...that in and of itself is traumatizing. Obviously, there have been many other under currents that have resulted from your husbands crimes that you had, and have been, addressing. The picture that I get of you is as a beautiful, vibrant, colorful, graceful butterfly...and not just any butterfly, but a royal Monarch butterfly. Alicia, the word Monarch not only refers to a butterfly but it also describes royalty. Royalty is someone or something holding preeminent position or power; a person who reigns; a sovereign ruler. I think that God has taken you from the cocoon of suffering and despair of your trials and tribulations and has set you free to be a wonderful over-comer who will rule and reign in life. Let me explain further (stay with me). When you heard of your husbands arrest, and consequent betrayal, you were devastated. You felt such shame and despair, fear and anger...such a wide array of emotions (am I on target here?) And when you were also met with the possibility of going to jail, you felt fear to your bones. You wonder what would happen to your family, to your children and to yourself. I believe that in this awful, tormenting time, you asked God to help you, to deliver you from jail. And He heard your humble cry and He heard the prayers of other supporters/family/friends too. He has heard these prayers and has literally delivered you from being in a cell hell. (God gives grace to the humble Alicia. Humility is not weakness, as some would say, but it is being known for who you are...I believe that that is you are honest). In pulling this together, the trials were the cocoon time getting you ready to be a monarch so...the lovely, graceful, vibrant and beautiful character of a wise woman who has over-come in life was formed in you during these battles...Alicia, you are beautiful on the outside, but more importantly, you are also beautiful, lovely, graceful and vibrant on the inside. You are, and will further be, flying at a great altitude in your life. What does this mean? You have repeatably hit on the secret of I want to encourage you to keep on displaying and giving out love...God has just started positioning you in a very key area. (It was no accident that you met the professional athlete who linked you with the ministry to children and wives whose fathers are in accident). You can give out, and you have started to give out, the golden nuggets of wisdom , insight and comfort that you have gained by your own process, from others and from God Himself. These children and woman can be comforted by what has comforted you. You are a winner in life over-comer...walk as a royally delivered woman of freedom who reigns in life. Take care and I send this to you with greatest of compassion and desire to encourage you!! (And reigning life doesnt mean that there will be no more trials, you just have great personal and great God power for more over-coming!!)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 12:44:25 +0000

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