Do you believe that things happen for a reason? Many things - TopicsExpress


Do you believe that things happen for a reason? Many things have aligned in my life because I truly believe that all things happen for a reason. I am a strong believer that many negative things happen in order to prepare you for much greater things to occur. I have learned over the years to be accepting of the negative experiences that present themselves, embrace them, and learn from them. Here is my most recent example of this happening. I have a friend you see, he and his family stood by our side through our toughest battle to date in our lives a few years ago. They stood strong with belief that we would captain through a horrible storm and that we would all be stronger than before. This family is pretty amazing! As a matter of fact, Beth and I have known them for close to 15 years. They have 2 really awesome kids! Their oldest started having seizures a few years back and they finally got them under control after many months. They had related the seizures to Tourettes Syndrome. This friend and his family had a best friend pass away recently. He was only 2 years old and his name was Jack. He was an amazing pillar to them during this extremely negative time 2 years ago. Jack just so happened to be a bulldog. He was very young when pneumonia took over. This was extremely devastating to them and I understand why considering that a Beth and I are dog lovers too. The passing of Jack was extremely tough for the family but the underlying stress that their oldest was experiencing due to losing his best friend was much to handle. He was extremely upset and was displaying it daily. The neurologist said quickly that he suggested getting another dog to keep his conditions stable. It is tough to lose a pet and so quickly replace it in order to fill a void.... Rewinding 10 days ago, Beth and I had to make a heartbreaking decision. We had decided after weeks of discussing, that it is best to take my oldest daughters ginnea pigs to the only petshop that would accept them. We felt that they were overwhelming to our daughter to say the least but she loved them so deeply. Our daughter accepted it but it wasnt easy for her. The night before they were leaving, I cried watching her holding Marshmallow (the white one), talking to him, and then she cried so hard with him on her chest (his nose was gently touching her chin). We really felt that it was the right move though. When Beth arrived at the petshop, her heart hurt. As she slowly walked the cage and supplies in with Marshmallow and Cookie, she kept questioning herself. She knew that it didnt feel right but she did it anyway. After she was finished checking them in to the petshop, she couldnt help but look at the puppies that were causing so much ruckus across the way. She then started snapping pictures of the cutest little bulldog puppies, 4 of them to be exact. She sent me the pictures one by one and I was too busy to view them at the time... Of course. Later that day I started from the first photo and awhhhhhhhed my way down to the bottom. AND then it happened, OH my gosh.... That is him! That is my friend and his familys next best friend! I sent the pics from my phone to him one by one. When it got to the last picture, he replied with a response that verified my thoughts immediately. Beth left the petshop empty handed and full of sadness. Why did she feel that way, its only ginnea pigs. lol I called the petshop later that day and asked for the information on the breeder of the bulldog puppies for my friend. I took time and researched this lady to ensure that she was credible. I even stalked her Facebook Page looking through family photos of her kids hugging and loving on their bulldogs. :-) Well... Last Friday I had an overwhelming urge that Beth and I need to help them. I asked Beth via text Do you want to make 4 people smile, LAUGH, and cry today? She quickly replied YES! I called the petshop to make sure that they still had that big boy and luckily they did. Beth and I headed over there to meet him and speak to the owner about our situation on hand. We spent 30 minutes with the puppy and Beth said that he won her heart. I then approached the owner to help us and he was nice enough to understand and fully supported what we were trying to do. So we got him for them! They didnt even know and yes it was a major gamble. Worse case scenario is we keep him which would be very easy because we already loved him. While waiting for him to get groomed and dry, Beth pointed out a cocker spaniel puppy that looked so dang sweet. So we held her for fun because we literally were just talking about cocker spaniels a month ago. They ended up grooming her up too and we decided to take her too... LOL! :-) So, we essentially traded 2 ginnea pigs a week prior for a bulldog puppy to help heal this awesome family and a cocker spaniel puppy for our family. WOW... What just happened? :-) We then surprised the family with the opportunity to receive a new addition to their family and they were smiling, laughing, and crying within 60 seconds. They have fallen in love with him. His name is Bane! Welcome home Bane! Now, the story should be done but it really just begun. My oldest has cried every single day about the ginnea pigs. She had this special bond with the white one, Marshmallow. My heart hurt everytime I heard her cry. 2 nights ago she drew a picture of her with the ginnea pigs and she cried the entire time the pencil was moving. It broke me down. Why did we take them to the petshop in the first place if she loved them so deeply? I dont really know to be honest but we met Bane there which has made a sad family smile again. Is that the reason why we were compelled to get rid of the ginnea pigs? We will never know. The night that she drew the picture was our breaking point. I stepped out of her bedroom and frantically called the petshop. I said Hi, this is Kent Littlejohn and they said OH YEAH... THE GUY that got 2 puppies last Friday. I said YES but thats not why Im calling. I asked Do you by chance have 2 ginnea pigs there named Marshmallow and Cookie? Their name is written on their cage in really pretty pink letters... LOL. They said YES and I said Thank you God, I am on my way! I quickly hopped in the car with my daughter and told her that we were going to Target to get her a little surprise. I blind folded her and walked into the petshop trying to cover her ears because of the chirping birds. Took her in front of the cage, unleashed the blindfold and she immediately cried. She dropped to her knees at their level with tears flowing and I said they are coming home. She could barely talk and I personally feel more complete now that they are home. The reason why I wanted to share this story is to present a perfect example of how things happen for a reason. I accepted years back that I should embrace the way that life flows. Several years ago I made efforts to start accepting and appreciating the negative things in life that occur because they are just a stepping stone to something new. I hope that you have a powerful day and I wish you all the best!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 14:53:05 +0000

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