Do you choose a focus word for each year? In 2014 I choose - TopicsExpress


Do you choose a focus word for each year? In 2014 I choose authenticity as my focus for the year. I wanted to feel more comfortable in my own skin and work in a field that I am very passionate about. This meant eating more whole foods, changing jobs and starting new studies. Synchronicity also found me in 2014. So many related things happened that could not be ignored; the universe was guiding me and my family and we paid attention. Another word that found me in 2014 was sacrifice. My husband lived away from home for his work while I was working, studying and raising our two daughters by myself during the week. I missed out on a lot of events and catch ups with family and friends as well as time out for myself. It was very hard to sacrifice these things but it was so rewarding to be learning and working in an area that I am so passionate about. The word I have chosen for 2015 is consolation. My husband is returning home and we will come together as a family. We will take pleasure in simply being together and loving each other wholeheartedly. Again, there will be sacrifice as I study further to enhance my work as a Mental Health Worker. What will you focus on in 2015? What are your goals? I find goals or focus areas tend to work better for me than resolutions. Best wishes to you all for 2015, may you do more of what you love!!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:27:13 +0000

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