Do you drink a lot of soda? Do you ever tear packages open with - TopicsExpress


Do you drink a lot of soda? Do you ever tear packages open with your teeth? You could be causing substantial damage to your teeth and gums without even realizing it. In today’s new blog post, we’ve outlined some common habits that could be ruining your teeth. 1. Eating the Wrong Foods Acidic foods (including everything from orange juice to sports drinks to soda to lemons) can wear away the enamel on your teeth. Unfortunately, your enamel doesn’t grow back—so it’s especially important to keep it safe and protected before the damage becomes a problem. If you are going to consume these substances, you can lessen the ill effects by drinking water or eating a bit of cheese alongside them. 2. Brushing with the Wrong Toothpaste Some toothpastes are especially abrasive, so you should aim for one that won’t cause damage to your teeth. Toothpastes with fluoride are typically the best choice. While fluoride won’t prevent damage to your enamel, it does make your teeth much stronger—making them more likely to stand up to wear and tear in the future. 3. Brushing Too Hard You should definitely brush your teeth thoroughly in order to get them clean and free of plaque—but brushing too hard can actually cause substantial dental problems. Brushing with extreme vigor can cause your gums to recede, your teeth to become overly sensitive, and your enamel to wear away. Make sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush in a gentle, circular motion to eliminate this concern. 4. Failing to Maintain Proper Dental Hygiene Though you know how often you should brush and floss your teeth, do you stick to a regular schedule? You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes at a time. You should also floss daily. Failing to maintain this hygienic routine can put you at a much greater risk for cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. 5. Using Your Teeth for the Wrong Purposes A lot of people use their teeth in the wrong way—biting through packages to tear them open or chewing up ice cubes. Unfortunately, these seemingly harmless activities can actually cause severe damage to your teeth. In many cases, the damage won’t be apparent until it’s too late—at which time, the small fractures that have built up over time could worsen to the point that a tooth will break or you’ll lose a filling. By changing these small habits in your daily routine, you can protect your teeth and increase your chances of enjoying a healthy, happy smile full of your natural teeth for the rest of your life!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:27:17 +0000

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