Do you enjoy a big bowl of popcorn now and then like we do? - TopicsExpress


Do you enjoy a big bowl of popcorn now and then like we do? Have you wondered, though, if it’s actually a healthy snack to indulge in, or if it is GMO-free? A recent Facebook discussion opened up this can of worms so I did some looking around, and thought I’d let you know what I found out with a little Q & A… 1. Should popcorn be soaked or sprouted since it’s a whole grain, and whole grains contain phytic acid, which blocks mineral absorption? “Corn is fairly low in phytic acid so popcorn in moderation is probably fine. Also, when it is eaten with melted butter, the saturated fats help mitigate the effects of phytic acid.” (From the WAPF) More… “As it turns out, popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks you can eat and polyphenols are the reason why. Polyphenols are a type of chemical found in plant foods that help neutralize free radicals, those nasty little baddies that damage your cells and contribute to rapid aging. Popcorn has one of the highest levels of polyphenols of any plant food – including most fruit! Even though homemade popcorn is a fantastic and healthy snack choice, as with anything, don’t overdo. Corn that is not soaked or sprouted prior to cooking contains anti-nutrients that can inflame digestion if consumed to excess. Take care to seek organic popcorn since most conventional popcorn will have been sprayed with pesticides.” (Sarah, the Healthy Home Economist) 2. What about store-bought microwave popcorn? This one’s easy: AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE! Just look at the label on that nasty stuff and it’s enough to send you running away in shock and disgust. You’ll see all sorts of chemical unpronouncables in there. A friend of ours, however, does like to put popcorn in a paper sack, all by itself, and pop it in the microwave that way. That’s waaaaay better than the junk from the store, but since we try to avoid the microwave as much as possible, I just get out this Stainless Steel Popcorn Popper that I love and it takes only a few minutes! (Make sure you don’t get the aluminum one.) 3. Is popcorn GMO-free? “At the Seeds of Doubt conference recently, Jeffery Smith, executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and GMO expert, assured us that even though almost 90% of the corn grown and eaten in this country is GMO corn, popcorn comes from a different seed and has not been genetically modified.” (Source) What a relief, huh?! 4. How can popcorn be good for us, especially if you make it with coconut oil and put butter and sea salt on top? Still think saturated fats are bad for us? Read this about healthy fats and you’ll be relieved to know the truth. Here’s the healthy coconut oil I use. Butter and coconut oil are superfoods that boost our immune system! Still think salt should be avoided? Just get the right kind of salt! Read more about how beneficial sea salt is in our diets. Here’s the sea salt I use. And here is my popcorn recipe made with coconut oil. 5. Your turn! Speaking of popcorn… We rarely go to movies anymore, but I did take the kids to see Epic the other day (to the only theater around here that has real butter), and that was really cute! Around here, our latest favorites are the two pictured on the right: we love watching old Brady Bunch episodes! Also, the Magic School Bus movies are a big hit and they beg to watch “just one episode”, but don’t tell them how educational they are or they might quit asking. :) What’s your latest favorite movie, or what are your favorite kids’ movies? *
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 16:43:23 +0000

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