Do you ever feel like this Jesus stuff, these activities you do - TopicsExpress


Do you ever feel like this Jesus stuff, these activities you do about God are just that? Like something else is the true focus of your life? Jesus times is jesus time but your life is yours. You still do whatever you please with very little thought to what God would desire for you. What turns your heart is entertainment and pleasure. Every once in a while you do something for someone else. But most days it is your time, your plans. Your always comfortable and always acting in convenience. Not much thought or energy goes into to how to love and care for others. What is wrong with the screen mounted on your wall, those games flashing before your eyes, that rectangular square attached to your hand and wired to your ear, your brain at a constant flow of mostly mindless information. The evil in them is the hours and hours spent consumed in them. An hour here and there, but when they begin to inform your spirit, quietly robing you of life. A Slow compromise. The Holy Spirit is dime because that text, this post, and all the distant friends are out there awaiting your reply. The screen and the games fill those hour and the Word of God is chased to the shelf. God is so quiet in your house, distant in your heart. No miraculous moments of his glory at work about you. Oh it is there, but you are unable to see it. Something else has captured your heart. Some other passion has filled you up. Scratching in you for something real, something that will grant you true peace and lasting joy. For sake this empty pleasure, and grab onto The Lord Jesus. If but a simple prayer every day. Lord, I dont desire you very much, please God fill me with a desire for you more then the pleasures of this world. Today I ask for this. And Lord, help me ask for it tomorrow too.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 07:01:04 +0000

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