Do you ever feel like you’re going in circles and not making any - TopicsExpress


Do you ever feel like you’re going in circles and not making any progress? At least not the kind of progress you were expecting. Are the constant appeals of our world pulling you in a million different ways, causing you to question if you’re headed in the right direction? If you’re like me, you have plans and dreams you want to fulfill. But life is confusing at times. And most days it seems like you’re just surviving instead of living out those dreams or accomplishing your goals. Numerous distractions. Too many choices. Endless interruptions. There have been days I’ve felt like one foot was fixed to the floor, while my other foot scurried in every direction. Expending a lot of energy and mental fatigue, but going nowhere. Can you relate? Wouldn’t it be awesome to wake up every morning and be assured you’re on the right path towards your goals? To know with certainty that you’re headed in the right direction? To feel confident with each step, without constantly questioning yourself? Too many times I’ve second-guessed a decision I was confident about. I want so desperately to follow God’s will that I’ll pray, but then feel uncertain, not wanting to make a wrong move. I wonder: Maybe this isn’t what I’m supposed to be doing. Maybe this isn’t part of God’s plan for my life. As I’ve wrestled with indecision and insecurity, I’ve sought God’s Word for help. A few months ago, I found a priceless nugget of truth in the Bible. It addresses our desire for guidance and shows us what to do when we need clear direction. King David composed these words in a beautiful psalm, tucked within the pages of the Old Testament: “Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you” (Psalm 25:4-5). These verses reveal David’s humble and teachable heart. He wanted to be guided by God and led by His truth. David knew God was his Savior and placed all his hope in the One who created the right path for him. We find the answers to David’s request for guidance only a few short passages away. Promises we can claim for our own lives: “The LORD is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands” (Psalm 25:8-10, NLT). Based on these verses, when our hearts are humble and truly seeking God’s will, we can be confident of this: 1. God will always show us what is right for us. 2. When we get sidetracked, God will direct us back to the right path. 3. We are not alone. God leads and teaches us along the way. 4. God leads those who obey Him with unfailing love and faithfulness. If you’re unsure about some things in your life, don’t wait another day to figure it out on your own. Ensure your heart is in the right place of humility, and then ask God to help you. Once you’ve asked, trust that God is directing you. If you know you’ve gotten on the wrong path, seek God for direction instead of looking to the world for answers. As you take steps to follow and obey God’s voice, He will lovingly show you the way. Months ago I asked the Lord to etch these verses onto my heart and mind, so I’d always have them with me — especially on days when I feel like I’m going in circles and lacking direction. Today, I’m praying these verses over you. Dear Lord, help my friend come to You when they are in need of direction. Remind them that the world can’t offer what they deeply longs for, nor does it hold their future, but You certainly do. Thank You for guiding them today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 11:21:28 +0000

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