Do you ever look up at the sky? Do you notice how blue it is - TopicsExpress


Do you ever look up at the sky? Do you notice how blue it is first thing in the morning? Then, you notice the long white streaky clouds all over the sky and you assume they are jet contrails because that is what youve been educated to believe. But these so-called contrails do not dissipate but fan out in the sky and within an hour or two the sky turns milky white and looks polluted. What is happening in our skies is GEOENGINEERING / CLIMATE CONTROL and it has been happening for decades. We need to educate our local governments, businesses, and individuals what is happening because is not healthy for our planet or us and collectively we must demand it stop. We breathe nano-sized particles of aluminum, barium, and strontium amongst other harmful agents almost daily now. It takes a lot of aerosol spraying to keep CA in the state it is in now... its not natural. Please look up and take notice people... and question why Monsanto patented aluminum-resistant seeds amongst their other GMO patents, and they bought a Climate Control corporationa in 2013. Start connecting the dots and educate yourselves. You can learn everything you need to learn about geoengineering here.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 17:36:12 +0000

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