Do you feel an unnecessary amount of pressure - TopicsExpress


Do you feel an unnecessary amount of pressure on your stomach after a meal? Does your waistline seem to instantly expand after a hurried lunch? These are the most common signs of abdominal bloating or a swollen tummy. Bloating is a condition where gas released from the breakdown of foods builds up in your stomach and intestines instead of passing out of the body. It can lead to abdominal pain, constipation, digestive disorders etc. This occasional inflation is extremely common and can be cured with some simple diet choices. We asked several researchers to help compile a list of foods that can bring a puffy tummy back to its normal size and this is what they had to say: Cucumber Cucumbers are mostly water and can help flush out toxins from the body. Theyre rich in sulphur and silicon and help the kidneys effectively remove uric acid. Theyre not just detoxifying but also refreshing and delicious. Cucumber and Peanut Salad Chilled Cucumber Soup Coconut Water Coconut water is a real healer. Its refreshing and an excellent substitute for a sugar based energy drink. Its rich in potassium which helps counter sodium-induced bloating. Coconut water not only flushes the sodium out of the body but also regulates the cleansing process. Yogurt Yogurt is one of the most highly recommended foods that one should eat on a bloated stomach. Its great for digestion as it contains good bacteria that blocks out the bad one and prevents belly bloat. Although plain yogurt is advisable you can pair it up with fresh fruits. Hung Curd or Greek Yogurt Lassi Bananas Bananas are rich in potassium which can help with salt-induced bloating. Keeping a healthy sodium-potassium balance is extremely important to maintain an ideal water balance in the body. Avocados, kiwis, oranges, and pistachios are other potassium rich foods you must include in your diet. Ginger Besides being a great home remedy for fever, cold and aching muscles, fresh ginger is also a good way to ease an upset stomach. Its an anti- inflammatory that relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract. It contains a crucial enzyme that absorbs protein and helps with protein-induced gas. You can add it to tea or drop it over salads and vegetables. Papaya Papaya contains an enzyme called papain that break down proteins which makes digestion easier. Papain works as a laxative and is important for smooth bowel movement. Papaya also has anti-inflammatory properties and fibers that strengthen the digestive tract. Melon and Papaya Salad Green Papaya Salad with Mango Dressing Herbal Tea Herbal tea is typically consumed to help with digestion after a meal but can also be used to reduce bloating. It soothes inflammation and relaxes the digestive tract, calling that swollen tummy back in. Coriander Seeds Drop a handful of coriander seeds in water and bring it to boil. Take it off the stove after 10 -15 minutes and set it aside. Strain this water and drink it warm. If the taste puts you off then add a drop of honey. Nutritionists recommend this as a sure shot solution for excessive bloating. Other Links: 5 food combinations that hinder digestion White Bread is Good for Your Stomach Is Gluten Bad for Your Health? For the latest food news and recipes , like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and get the NDTV Cooks app for Android or iOS . Tags: digestion, bloating , heart burn, indigestion
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:42:32 +0000

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