Do you feel lucky in this politicking roulette? [1] New Labour - TopicsExpress


Do you feel lucky in this politicking roulette? [1] New Labour initiated PFI schemes for new hospitals could end up costing NHS trusts 12 times as much as the capital outlay. The cost of Britains controversial private finance initiative will continue to soar for another five years and end up costing taxpayers more than £300bn, according to a Guardian analysis of contracts that were sanctioned by the Treasury. The Guardian, Thursday 5 July 2012 21.08 BST. To save the NHS, Labour must face the ugly truth of PFI debts. Labour is right to focus on rescuing the NHS from the harm done by this government, but must face the truth that it was the party that introduced private finance into the health service in the first place. [2] NHS England facing funding gap of up to £2bn 18 June 2014 Last updated at 14:20 BST [3] David Cameron warns of looming second global crash - Brisbane The Guardian, Monday 17 November 2014. Cameron has adopted the more sombre tone in the runup to the chancellor’s autumn statement on 3 December 2014 [4] This morning on Andrew Marr show George Osborne pledged extra £2bn for NHS [Where did he find the money? How will he pay for it? Who is telling the truth The PM or The Chancellor?]. The Chancellor said Heres a simple truth: You cant have a strong NHS without a strong economy to pay for it. If you dont have a long term plan for the economy, you dont have a plan for the future of the NHS, . We have both. Its because our economy is growing, and weve kept a tight control on the finances, that we can do more for the NHS. Although he conceded that he had not delivered on his cut-the-deficit-by-2015 pledge, he claimed the majority of the electorate were in agreement with the cuts. [Majority? I remember the Cons having around 30% of the votes? Does that make for a majority?] [5] On the same show Shadow chancellor Ed Balls said it was a typical Tory pattern of a winter crisis, and crisis money coming after it. He claimed Con-Dems having wasted £3bn on NHS reforms! As Ive said revolving-door politics cost the public purse dear in undoing previous political reforms. This is not in our National interest to continue with this charade. If youre willing to think differently & If you believe in cleaning up politics then the only choice you have is to Think #rationally, #nationally & #Independently without political spin, fetters, Farage & baggage.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 11:17:18 +0000

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