Do you feel things are falling apart? Career, money, health, - TopicsExpress


Do you feel things are falling apart? Career, money, health, people you thought you can trust let you down. No body likes them, but as you get older you definatley go thru all of them. As you grow in Christ you also take a look at the way you respond and react towards events that happen. I know for sure I have. The crew I ran with were hot headed fools that did not really wait for someones reaction. And provoked alot. (You know who you are hahaha) I certainly guilty of letting my attitude and rule my reaction. My reaction was totally the opposite now Thank God!! I have learned the difference between what is truly important and what is temporal. And descernment sure helps, thank you God again!! I try to model this part of my life after Habakkuk. Everything was failing in his life it seemed and what did he do? He Praised God!!! He realized he was not in control over what happened. He chose to control his response by rejoicing in the Lord no matter what. God can give you the strength to make it thru anything. Remember this......some people pray when they are in trouble for God to take them out of a situation. God only promised to give you strength to see you thru it. And he saw Habakkuk all the way thru. So can everyone change there response today? Praise God for his faithfulness, salvation, even if there are health are still alive and with family and friends because God is not done with you, and all of the other blessings God has given you. If you look for reasons to be down, you will find them. IF YOU LOOK FOR REASONS TO REJOICE YOU WILL FIND THEM!! So whats it gonna be??? Habakkuk 3:17-19 NET When the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vines; when the olive trees do not produce, and the fields yield no crops; when the sheep disappear from the pen, and there are no cattle in the stalls, I will rejoice because of the Lord ; I will be happy because of the God who delivers me! The sovereign Lord is my source of strength. He gives me the agility of a deer; he enables me to negotiate the rugged terrain. Dear Lord, Whoooooooooohoooooooooo we Praise you this morning!!!!!!!! Thank you for all of the many blessings you have given to us. Every giants one to the littlelest. Lord Thank you for salvation and for believing in me and not ever giving up on me!!!!! Thank you God for all of the lessons I have learned. As hard as they were, Thank you!! Lord you are our rock and our anchor. Thank you LORD!!! Thank you for taking the scales from my eyes so I can see this world as it is. Lord thank you for the strength everyday!! Thank you Lord for your Grace, your Mercy and your Love!!! Lord we lift up our friends and family that are struglling with alot of different issues. Lord we ask that your Holy Spirit fill them and you guide them through the things that are causing tormoil in their spirits and lives. Lord give them the discernment to see what your will is. Lord be with Bridget Brannon Holliday today. We know you already surround this house!! Lord comfort them and continue to give them strength. Guide the doctors hands as he makes her whole again. Lord we lift them up and so many others. Lord be with all of our sick and recovering. Thank you for the amazing healing in Paige Taunton. Lord you are amazing!!! Lord we ask that you watch over us today. Be our guide thru it. Let us see the difference of temporal and permanent. Give us the strength and let your spirit be seen by others. Lord watch over all of us today. Watch over our children and put your angels around their schools. Lord bless their teachers today. Lord give us all the strength to maintain a Godly answer for every situation. Thank you for everything Lord Jesus!!!! In your name we pray........
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:21:24 +0000

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