Do you have Hurry Sickness? Tim Chester ask 12 questions in his - TopicsExpress


Do you have Hurry Sickness? Tim Chester ask 12 questions in his book, “The Busy Christian’s Guide to Busyness” that helps us diagnose this modern illness. [The snarky answers were provided by Kevin DeYoung in his book, Crazy Busy.] 1. Do you regularly work thirty minutes a day longer than your contracted hours? [What does that have to do with anything? I have a lot to do, so I work a lot of hours] 2. Do you check work e-mails and phone messages at home? [Are you serious? Have you been around much this millennium?] 3. Has anyone ever said to you, “I didnt want to trouble you because I know how busy you are”? [Of course! And Im glad they have the decency to respect my time!] 4. Do your family or friends complain about not getting time with you? [Well, I wouldnt call it complaining per se. Theyre still learning that quality time is more important than quantity time.] 5. If tomorrow evening were unexpectedly freed up, would you use it to do work or a household chore? [Uh, yeah. Were you going to do it for me?] 6. Do you often feel tired during the day or do you find your neck and shoulders aching? [Mountain Dew, ibuprofen, not a problem.] 7. Do you often exceed the speed limit while driving? [Depends on whether Im trying to eat French fries at the same time.] 8. Do you make use of any flexible working arrangements offered by your employers? [Definitely. I work at home. I work in the car. I work on vacation. I can pretty much work anywhere.] 9. Do you pray with your children regularly? [I never turn them down when they ask.] 10. Do you have enough time to pray? [Im more of a pray continually kind of person. I dont need to set aside specific times to pray because Im always in communion with God.] 11. Do you have a hobby in which you are actively involved? [Does Pinterest count?] [NO!--thats from me.] 12. Do you eat together as a family or household at least once a day? [More or less. When one person is eating, someone else is usually in the house at the same time.]
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 15:15:43 +0000

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