Do you have a busy Friday? Even if you do I know you can still - TopicsExpress


Do you have a busy Friday? Even if you do I know you can still manage to squeeze in a little work out time. Try this at home! Before you start anything always warm up a for a few minutes. Forward/back lunges -do these one leg at a time. Lunge forward, push of your front leg back to standing and go right into a back lunge without touching your foot to the ground in the middle if you can. Do 12 to 15 on one leg and then switch to the other. Medicine ball swing - you can go these with a laundry detergent bottle! Stand with your legs wider than hip width. Swing the ball/bottle down between your legs as you go into a squat position, stand up out of your squat as you swing the object up over your head, arms straight. Get into a rhythm so your momentum helps you swing. Strong core as you go through this. Do 20 to 25. Side lunge w/ a kick - start standing straight, lunge to the right side push of your right foot and bring it up into a side kick as you come back to standing. Without touching your foot down go right back into your side lunge, repeat. Do 15 and then switch to the other side. Do some more medicine ball swings Then a second set of forward/back lunges Another set of medicine ball swings And a second set of side lunge kicks If you want to get some upper body in to make it a full body workout ad some push-ups after you medicine ball swings. I would love to know if you try this little workout and what you think. If you have any questions or comments, please share!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:33:45 +0000

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