Do you have kids? How many times in the last month did you explain - TopicsExpress


Do you have kids? How many times in the last month did you explain to the kids that money doesnt grow on trees? Where does that (philosophy) come from? Maybe youve become your father. Maybe you are simply repeating what youve always heard. Its been programmed in. And now, at a particular point in life, you are regurgitating it and spitting it back out with no thought about what its doing to you or what its doing to the person that youre saying it to. But when you say this, what belief system is it communicating and reinforcing? When something like this comes out of your mouth, it came from somewhere. It came from your own mind, your subconscious, your belief system, the recordings that play inside your head. Whatever you say about money is simultaneously revealing and reinforcing. You have to be careful about the vocabulary you use because every word or thought, spoken or written, if inner-directed, constitutes programming, instructions to your subconscious mind. Most people speak, lack, poverty, inadequacy, doubt and fear. Thought alone will not override behavior or certain physical realities and circumstances. However, it is accurate to say that the way you think about money and the language you use about money matters a great deal. It is revealing of the programming your subconscious is actually being directed by, and it is accumulating programming it is trying to respond to. Further, your spoken words convey your relative comfort and confidence or discomfort and fear about money to others. Money is naturally attracted to the person most confident and comfortable about it. When you are talking to others, theres text and subtext, heard by others conscious and subconscious minds. When you say that you just dont feel good about somebody or that your intuition tells you not to trust or do business with somebody, its your subconscious processing impressions from sight, sound, and the other senses, searching its files for past information and experiences. You cant actually figure out why you feel the way you do. You just do. You might not consciously realize that when youre around Joe, he often talks in terms of lack, poverty, failure, and fear, so you do not want to buy from him, invest with him, or otherwise be involved with him. But that may very well be what has occurred within your subconscious. For all these reasons, what you speak about money matters. You recognize the term hard earned $$$, right? If you translate it to programming, it is that money is very hard to get. You get money only through difficult and unpleasant work. If money somehow arrives without being connected to hard work, theres something wrong with it. Its tainted or toxic. Its incorrect and dishonorable to get it easily. Now consider the phrase easy money. For most people, this is bad. The perception is that easy money is somehow tainted, dirty, undeserved. The perception is that the person always seeking easy money is a lazy bum or a fool. What a BARRIER! That is a tall, wide, thick wall that prevents you from looking for or seeing many great opportunities around you within easy reach. Its not just the fact that these people are too close to the forest to see the trees. There is a wall they cant see through thats BOXING THEM IN!! What a BARRIER! If things start to get easy, if money starts flowing in faster in bigger sums than ever before, these people will subconsciously reject it, and engage in all manners of self-sabotage to slow it down. The fact is, theres no reason money has to be hard to earn OR earned in hard ways. Whats truly needed to reverse all of this and make things considerably easier, and less stressful is procedural changes on how you do business, changes in strategy, but also of even more importance, continuous improvement on your THINKING, UNDERSTANDING AND EVEN IMAGININGS ABOUT MONEY. Hard Earned Money is just one example of hundreds of negative, limiting statements routinely thought and said about money. They are all bricks strengthening and reinforcing the wall between YOU and easy attraction of MAXIMUM WEALTH.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:59:57 +0000

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