Do you have that Good Friday feeling? As a Christian Im often - TopicsExpress


Do you have that Good Friday feeling? As a Christian Im often asked why i celebrate the brutal death by crucifixion , of an innocent man. I share the words of the song, There is a green hill far away. One verse says There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin, He only could unlock the gates of Heaven and let us in. I have that Good Friday feeling because inspite of everything that Jesus knew I would do, He was still prepared to die for me. How many people do you know that would really do that? I celebrate Good Friday because it was love , real love that caused Jesus to suffer so brutality, and because of that I can do no less than give Him my life, my loyalty, and my service to others. I celebrate Good Friday , because the Crucifixion of Jesus meant every day after that gave you and I , the freedom we needed from sin. After the resurrection of Jesus, we gained eternal life, if we decided to accept Jesus , as Lord of our lifes. So while many may use this time to celebrate, eat food,socialise and give chocolates, please take some time out to read, or watch the wonderful story of the crucifixion , a real love story. Reflect on the beauty of the gift, that Jesus gave freely to you, even though we did not deserve it. Mediate on the fact that Jesus loves you just as you are, and that you dont have to sacrifice your life , He did that for you. Once , and for all. Reaffirm your love for Jesus, and thank Him for dying in your place, taking power over death, and for the gift of eternal life. If you do not know Jesus, but you want to , simply pray the prayer below,( or say it in your own words, you dont have to be in a church , God is everywhere). Jesus I know I have done wrong, I have sinned, and i need your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sin, and that you rose from the dead. i turn away from my sin, and I invite you to be the Saviour of my heart, and my life. Help me to be the person you created me to be. Amen. If you prayed the prayer,welcome to the family of God. Its important that you find Christians that can help you in your new life. Inbox me if you need help , or suggestions. Find a good church, start reading the Bible, and pray( which is talking to God about everything). Have a wonderful Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday ( God spare our lifes ). Heres hoping you to will get That Friday feeling. Much love Janice mwahhhhh.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 06:21:47 +0000

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