Do you have the Mark of The Beast ?What is the Mark of the Beast ? - TopicsExpress


Do you have the Mark of The Beast ?What is the Mark of the Beast ? As a 7th Day Adventist, from our biblical studies of Daniel and the dreaded Revelation, the bible dictates that at the heart of this issue of the Mark is worship. What is the fundamental thing that God wants from us ? Worship. Now, what is it that Satan wants ? The same - worship. Lucifer was cast out of heaven because he was jealous of the worship God had and wanted it diverted to him. God gave Adam instructions not to eat of the tree of life or they would surely die. But in Gen 3 vs 4 and 5 And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. See God said one thing and then The Serpent fixed it that it almost seemed exactly like what God said. Almost! Rev 12 vs 7-13 tells how satan started war in Heaven in an effort to take control and occupy the seat of control so he could get worship. He was subsequently cast out of heaven down to earth with the 1/3 of the angels he had convinced on his side - fallen angels. Not one to accept his prophecied doom, Satan has come to earth intent on convincing as many persons to be doomed with him as he did with the angels in heaven all the time with the aim of diverting worship away from God to Himself. Biblical prophecies identifies that its contemporary times that The Mark of The Beast will occur. Now simplified version of what exactly is The Mark of The Beast...Daniel and Revelation identifies the Beast as a system which will seek to change time. What is the Beast - I will tell you that at a later time. The Mark of The Beast therefore is the embracing of any position and system which runs blatantly contrary to Gods mandate as it relates to worship. Hence, ladies and gentlemen, the issue of the Sabbath is fundmental to the issue of The Mark of The Beast. The Sabbath (7th Day) was sanctified (made holy)...only day that God did that. Gen 2: 1-3. Nowhere in the Bible do we see Sunday or even Saturday or any day of the week. Gods mandate, which all the prophets followed, Jesus followed, Paul followed and everyone else until Emperor Constantine formally changed the day of worship to Sunday which The Catholic church will readily acknowledge was done by them - Papal Rome. So, remember as per discourse, worship is at the heart of The Mark. God said in Exodus 20 vs 8-11 - Remember to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Man and a System then defied God and set up their holy day of worship - Sunday. Cant we see Satans deceit ? Did God at any time say the keeping Sabbath holy has ended ? If He did, He would be an untrustworthy God who said one thing and then just changed willy nilly when He wanted. Remember, Jesus kept the Sabbath and it wasnt until Constantine that The Sabbath Day was changed for Sunday. The Sabbath is to be fully devoted to God. Question! What harm will happen if 7th Day Adventists follow Gods direct command and keep the Sabbath holy whilst endeavoring to be holy all 7days...worshiping as well on Sunday and Wednesday. Note, being holy as a person is different from embracing the sanctity of a day as how The Sabbath is kept. Next question. What if others continue in their tradition of defying keeping The Sabbath holy, who stand more to lose ? 7th Day Adventists who seek to be holy every day whilst definetely keeping The Sabbath holy or others who desecrate The Sabbath and dont even keep Sunday holy ? Who has more to lose ? Folk read for yourselves. The Mark of The Beast is directly or indirectly embracing The System which has thought to affect Gods this case, Gods worship time. Check yourselves. The Mark is not any micro-chip, Trn, SSN, credit card or any thing like that. The word of God has all the information on what occured in past and all thats to come. We just dont seek it out. We just dont seek the knowledge available to all in the bible. We more choose to accept tradition and rely on church leaders to feed us with info which they sometimes choose to deceive their members or just ignorant of Gods word as a result of lack of study themselves. Dont take GGs word. Ever realize why some church leaders never read from Revelation ? Or they cant even interpret Revelation ? What does your church say is The Mark of The Beast ? Can that position be biblically backed ? Go to the source - The Bible - to get your information. Be blessed!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:55:34 +0000

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