Do you hold yourself back because you care about what others think - TopicsExpress


Do you hold yourself back because you care about what others think of you? Are u a people pleaser, with the intent to make & keep everyone happy? --> Did you know, on average only 10 people will actually CRY at your funeral. Furthermore, only 50% of the people will follow to the burial. Does this bum you out? Or does this liberate you? Ask yourself, WHY am I spending so much time worrying about what they’re thinking now? Why would I be afraid of rejection? Why would I be concerned about what the majority thinks?” John F Kennedy, Lincoln, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King…those that spent their entire life STANDING UP for what they believed in NOT giving a 2nd thought to what others thought of them. --> THAT is how we should live everyday of our lives. What kind of imprint are you making? Are you adding value to those around you? Next time you hold back because youre afraid of what they think - ask yourself, Would they cry at my funeral? Probably not. So get out of your own way and GO FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!!! ----thank you to Lindsay Krause for this post!!!----
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 23:31:41 +0000

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