Do you know Paul never met Jesus in his life ? This is one of - TopicsExpress


Do you know Paul never met Jesus in his life ? This is one of the main reasons to not trust and believe in Paul. Before his self-claimed apostleship, his name was Saul and he used to be a MURDERER of the true believers. On the road to Damascus, while on assignment to harass the true believers, he claims to have seen a vision of Christ, after which, he claimed, that Jesus gave him the authority to teach in his name. There are many problems here. Since he never met Jesus, common sense says that he has nothing to do with the religion and when we read what he has to say, we find that he really has nothing to do with the true religion of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). Lets take a look at Paul’s vision as he describes it to various different people of different races. 1. In ACTS 9:3, it is stated that only Paul fell to the ground on seeing the light. Verse 7 says that others with him stood speechless. 2. ACTS 26:14 says they ALL fell to the ground. 3. ACTS 9:7 states that the people who journeyed with Paul didnt see anyone but heard a voice. 4. ACTS 22:9 says that those who were with Paul saw the light but DID NOT hear the voice of the speaker. The above are clear contradictions and any man would immediately reject Paul completely after reading these verses. If these are just clear lies and Paul has forgotten where he said what, then it is nothing more than his stupidity but if he is deliberately using this technique to tell different stories to different people, then this technique is still yet present. Such a technique has laid a very important base of the Church i.e. adopt an approach that suits the person. Festivals like Christmas; Halloween etc have nothing to do with Christianity but the Church has introduced them into it following the footsteps of Paul. But be it so, I did not burden you nevertheless, being crafty, I CAUGHT YOU WITH GUILE. (2 CORINTHIANS 12:16) …and with it, he lies again, 1 Thess. 2:3 For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you . “I say the truth in Christ, I lie not (Rom. 9:1, 1 Tim. 2:7) Paul has introduced this concept of flexibility into Christianity and the Church. This verse also explains the existence of the site Answering-Islam and other similar hate sites where they deceive people and still are following their religion. They deceive and say that they don’t just like their founder Paul.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 14:03:10 +0000

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