Do you know WHY most Americans are SHUT DOWN when it comes to 9/11 - TopicsExpress


Do you know WHY most Americans are SHUT DOWN when it comes to 9/11 and believing anything other than the official Bush/Cheney story???? There are a TWO main reasons. Let me outline them. 1. FEAR Fear is a lack of COURAGE! For 9/11 it is the FEAR to face the TRUTH of BETRAYAL!!!! - There are FEARS of what others may say and names they may call you - like - A Conspiracy Theory Nut! A Traitor etc. Need I go on??? - There are FEARS about just the thought that our Government, the Military, Justice Department, CIA, etc. etc. could be that evil to allow such a thing to happen. It strikes real terror - because it is closer to us then something going on in a distant country. - There is a FEARFUL PRIDE to acknowledge being deceived by lies. Nobody wants to admit to being tricked into believing a lie. 2. DECEPTION Deception is mixing TRUTH and a LIE!!! Then you dont have all of the truth or all of a lie. -Obviously, many people lost their lives on 9/11. This is a fact and absolutely TRUE! But, what has happened since has been a narrative full of lies, deception and misinformation. -Days after 9/11, there was already suspects and a narrative of terrorism. For example - a perfect PASSPORT of an alleged suspect. This was found - even though most of everything from the trade towers was pulverized. How could this passport magically appear in the rubble???? There is more likelihood of PLANTED EVIDENCE then it falling from the sky - from a JET that crashed into the Trade Centers and burned. Also - the event had barely occurred and they had pointed the finger at Osama Bin Laden - all while the government was whisking other Bin Laden family members (tied to the Bush family) and other Saudi Arabian families out of the country while all other planes were grounded. Thorough investigations take time. But, this crime scene was hauled away as quickly as possible and steel was shipped overseas to be melted down quickly. And the Government report did not even TEST for explosives. Really???? After a previous attempt to detonate one of the World Trade Center buildings, testing for explosives should be a given. But, they did not. This is a RED FLAG!!!! - WTC Building 7 fell in free-fall and it was NOT hit by any plane. Witnesses state that it was pulled. BBC announced that it had already fell, when in the background it was still standing. How did they get into the building to do the explosives??? Explosive experts say it takes time to prepare a building of this size for demolition. Yet, it was ready hours after the WTC Building 1 and 2 had fallen. The NIST report states it was office fires that caused the destruction. Yet, most office fires were out. A witness that worked in the building testified that there were explosions that went off. There were many KEY Government offices in this building doing investigations into wrong-doing. It was a very secure building and the only way for the security to be compromised to set explosives in any of the WTC Buildings, there had to be -And the group most deceived??? Religious people - who should have asked God long ago what the REAL TRUTH was instead of trusting in others to tell them. And now you know why heresy came into the church. SOLUTIONS: 1. BE COURAGEOUS COURAGE COMES FROM GOD!!!! If you dont have it, then ask for it and pray that God would lead you into TRUTH and give you the courage to act upon that truth once it is revealed!!!! Fear is not from God. Perfect Love drives out fear! God is perfect love. 2. ASK GOD TO SHOW YOU THE TRUTH God is the ONLY ONE that knows ALL THE TRUTH about every detail of 9/11 and who was behind it and who was involved before, during and after the murders that occurred on that day in 2001. Why are so many people afraid to ASK GOD???? Everyone - on Judgment Day - will find out the truth anyway. 3. BELIEVE WHAT GOD SHOWS YOU Did you know that DOUBT is a sin??? Yes - it says that the cowardly and unbelieving, which are doubters - are the first two groups that God will judge. Revelation 21:8 Doubting God and His word and the truth He shows you is dangerous spiritually. Unfortunately, many Americans are playing with God in this respect and their judgment is coming - soon. MY PERSONAL SEARCH: On September 11, 2001, I was on my way to a local park and heard about the planes on the radio. I sat in disbelief at first - listening. There was also a report of a plane circling in Washington DC. Then the radio tuned into a sister station from the Northeast and a caller stated she saw the plane SHOT DOWN in Philadelphia. They reported that the buildings had collapsed. I turned the radio off and went to the garden to pray. America was being traumatized. Only God could help. Later, as I went home and saw the images on television, I was horrified. God had already revealed to me that NAZI GERMANS were to blame. They have been setting up everything to take down America for years & this is why many were brought into America through the Operation Paperclip program - the Nazi doctors, the torture tactics, the eugenics policies, etc. The German Nazis have infiltrated all levels of American politics, business, the military industrial complex, pharmaceuticals, drones, UAV/UFO program, finances, banking, etc. etc. I knew they were behind 9/11. Since that day to this day - the evidence just keeps on coming in - as more and more people reveal facts. The first FACT behind what God revealed to me, was a little write-up on the front page of a Financial newspaper saying that 31 GERMANS on the planes were threatening to sue the airline companies. I never heard another thing about this lawsuit. I do not have names - but someone does. God indicated to me that they were the ones responsible for the planes. I have written previously about this and how remote flying of a Boeing jet had been successfully landed at German Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico and how George HW Bush gave them the authority to set up a German AFB in the USA. And details of the testing of remote control jets. Check my post here, along with more info in comments: https://facebook/Ditto.SingerSongwriter/photos/pb.253555851169.-2207520000.1418750897./10151469022556170/?type=3&theater But, it is more important to WATCH these two documentaries and ask God to show you TRUTH!!!! One fact is TRUE - the BUSH/CHENEY Government LIED and covered up the truth about 9/11. DONT BE DECEIVED!!!! You only have yourself to blame if you stick your head in the sand. It wont change the TRUTH!!! TRUTH SETS PEOPLE FREE!!!! This is what the WORLD needs!!!! 9/11 Documentary: https://youtube/watch?v=YsRm8M-qOjQ Architects and Engineers Speak out about 9/11: https://youtube/watch?v=Ddz2mw2vaEgv=LrjcXOJIWw0 Former Rep Cynthia McKinney asks hard questions about WAR GAMES on 9/11 to Rumsfeld and whether it impaired the response of the military to the hijacked planes. These questions are still not answered: https://youtube/watch?v=Px1t1-a9uxk
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:47:38 +0000

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