Do you know how hero/heroine worshipping ignoramuses react to - TopicsExpress


Do you know how hero/heroine worshipping ignoramuses react to criticism of their demi gods and goddesses. (This trait is common to apptards, jaya sycophants, dirty dynasty likers (I did not say lickers)) They will appeal to your community sense. Ex-See you are a brahmin why are you criticising a brahmin woman( you know whose supporters I am mentioning here. It is another fact that she is not a brahmin) If that does not work They will give general statements- Why are you criticising her/him/them as they have done so much good for the state/country. If you challenge them to prove even one thing they have done is good let alone for the state or nation you will get no replies. Now they will jump track They will ask do you think their political rivals are better? When you stump them saying you favour none of the rivals Swiftly they will come for the kill. Then what is the alternative? You will trash their position saying that once the vaccum is created new alternatives will emerge. They are frustrated and now comes the fun. They will say that your knowledge is wrong and your reading and understanding is distorted. You ask them for their interpretation and you will be now bombarded with jibes, personal comments some times even involving your family members. Some just flee after taking a last nasty jibe at you. Believe me the best way is to ignore these pesky juvenile and intellectually bankrupt hero/heroine worshippers or sycophants. One such juvenile commented I am searching who asked you to post this comment When challenged he told me that one has to learn to take criticism. When I pointed out that jibes were not criticism he jumped miles away asking me not be negative. When I pointed pointed out that criticism was not being negative he had no answer but just scooted. NO ONE CAN DETER ME FROM MY CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE EVIL PLAGUING MY STATE AND I WILL CONTINUE TILL THAT EVIL IS ELIMINATED. I AM FIRM IN MY RESOLVE.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:59:33 +0000

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