Do you know how many fast talking ... Get ur done ... You know - TopicsExpress


Do you know how many fast talking ... Get ur done ... You know what I think yall should do without investing one dime, one tear, one ounce of energy has come through this ministry over the years with an agenda ? I couldnt keep count if I wanted to. So many have come and gone. They came in the door with their own agenda ... not Gods. Do you know how many visitations from heaven we have seen as a ministry ? I couldnt keep count. The glory of God has fallen so strongly on us we could hardly stand at times. Or ... say a word. When the thrill and the newness of ministry is no longer there and you are left with the toughness of seeing it through just because YOU SAID YOU WOULD ... That is when you will find out the true ministers of God. When there is no fanfare, no one clapping, just the dying to self and doing what you said you would do. Covenant keepers. Nursery workers and cooking and cleaning and studying and practicing and standing out in the cold giving out gift bags to people that are cursing you. You know ... Ministry ! I thank God for the TRUE ministers that I have had the privilege of working with over the years. People that put their money and their time and their resources where their mouth is. They dont just run their mouths It is time for us to get a second wind. The laborers are few. There is work to be done. We need to have new passion, new drive ... newness of life. Instead of waiting on NEW BLOOD let us let the BLOOD of Jesus refresh us. The ministers shouldnt have to ask of you what the need is ... We should be being ask What do you have need of God is our vindicator. We have but to be still ... The battle is his !
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:30:24 +0000

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