Do you know someone you wish would get saved? Have you tried and - TopicsExpress


Do you know someone you wish would get saved? Have you tried and tried to lead them to Christ and yet your efforts have been flat out rejected? Friend, tonight as I began to pray for a couple of lost loved ones in my own life, I confessed my own frustration and exhaustion before Lord, and just as I was about to finish my prayer- The Lord led me to 2 Timothy 2:24 which reads: and the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth ; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. As we look closely at the text written by the Apostle Paul to his spiritual son Timothy, we need to understand this is instruction for us today as well! Paul is saying a few important reminders to us -who are sharing the Gospel to unbelievers. First, he is describing what a believers approach (disposition)should be like when sharing the Gospel. This disposition of the believer shouldnt be judgmental, accusatory, or argumentative. In fact, Paul is saying in verse 23 to avoid foolish and unlearned questions because they lead to strife! Nothing causes strife more than arguments , impatience and discord . Isnt it interesting to view this lost person in the light of what Paul is saying? They ( the lost) actually oppose themselves! Knowing this should compel in us a greater compassion. Friend, they are standing in the way of receiving the greatest gift the world has ever seen ! Engaging in useless quarrels, debates, and speculation is nonsensical and distracts and detracts from the possible divine breakthrough! We dont want to be the convenient scapegoat of their rejection, and we dont want to inadvertently prevent the heavenly encounter ! Friend, as Ambassadors of Christ we should be truly representative of Christ and carry His message in His like manner and tone. This means we walk in His gentleness, patience and meekness. We dont shy away from speaking the truth and instructing, but we do it with His amazing guidance. Our job is to set the table and stand out of the way as our Father delivers the feast! What happens? Well it says in verse 25 that if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. That word peradventure can be translated in case God should. That means in this gentle , patient, truthful exchange of the Gospel there is a chance that God will remove the blinders from the unbelievers eyes and they shall see their desperate need for Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior. Friend , Paul didnt make a mistake when he said peradventure or the Greek equivalent-He was mindful that there will be some who will refuse, yet let them not refuse because we got in the way by being lured in through over debates, arguments and strife! The best chance we have is to follow Christs example. If we see need - meet the need first- then share the Gospel. Dont share the Gospel before giving bread to a starving person. Feed them first! Lets read in verse 26 Paul continues by saying: and that they (who repent) may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. Once the eyes are open and the transaction has been complete it is the new believer who freely walks out of the snare and is released from the bondage of sin and death ! Praise God! Thanks for letting me share, Randy Young
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:22:31 +0000

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