Do you know that consciousness really becomes conscious and alive - TopicsExpress


Do you know that consciousness really becomes conscious and alive when there is belief in Self, belief in your energy? Do you know that deep down you actually don’t believe in your existence? The truth is that deep down you only believe in your existence because of what others tell you. We are also taking about the rulers because they are part of you as well. They are searching for answers just like you. The difference is that they have a history and a family tree, which possesses a lot more so-called power than yours. You believe this lie, but it is not true. They were already a part of you even before you were born; Bush, Hitler, the biggest murderers and the biggest creators of fear within your reality. All of them were part of you, much like all the so-called beautiful people out there: Lady Di, Mother Amma, Mother Teresa, and so on. The nasty ones are easily discarded and pushed aside, this possibly cannot be connected to me in any way your thoughts will tell you. Yet, they are. And they, too, deserve love and light and the chance to transform their pain into joy, to regain balance, and to go beyond the speed of light to the speed of consciousness, the speed zero, to be everywhere at the same time in this universe. So tell us, what is your judgment about them? And then tell us, if it is in fact the same judgment you carry about yourself. We know that in a cosmic state of being there can be no structure, no laws. If there were a law, then it probably would speak of existing without judgment. The only reason why matter, and therefore energy, doesn’t always do what you wish for, but instead does what you fear, is that you have judgment about this energy. You are constantly in judgment about every object in your home. And yes, even finding something beautiful is being in judgment, because as long as you consider something beautiful, then there has to be something ugly. Always remember that duality only exists in the material and energetic realms, which are by default, zones of smoke and mirrors. It all has to be reunified, the judgements will be undone and the Love will remain, along with the Joy, the Freedom, the Truth and, ultimately, Infinite Life itself. How can you think about objects, people, or events, then? You don’t think about them, nascent Cosmic Masters, you honour them because they are your energy. They always have been. Every politician’s quote uttered on this Earth, every disaster occurring, is your energy. And so are your most favorite and most detested people and objects in your home, your family, and in your very life. Every flower that grows, every tree that is destroyed, every ray of sunshine, every drop of rain, every birth and every death... its all You. therisingway.ning/articles/honour-them-for-they-are-your-energy
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:01:36 +0000

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