Do you know this strike by teachers is in favour of Students and - TopicsExpress


Do you know this strike by teachers is in favour of Students and the University.. If you don’t know, let us give you a bit information about it. Few months back, Sindh Government passed the university bill (Without consulting any University official). Out of many, few things that were in the bill were: The power of appointing VC have been transferred from Governor to CM, with that also the power of appointment of Registrar and all the Directors is also transferred to CM and the committee. This is just few lines of the bill, like this there are many. This thing was debated in all VCs meeting at Karachi University. They gathered and held talks with Sindh Government over this university bill. It was requested to amend the bill that the right to appoint Registrar and Directors should be to Vice Chancellor as the Universities reserve their rights to have its own Autonomy. Sindh Government agreed that time, but now what they have done is that theyve announced appointments for Registrar, Director Finance ( who deals university money matters ) and Controller of Examination for 20 Universities. Teachers don’t have any problem regarding the new appointments, they just want that the appointments should be made by VC because Universities are Autonomous Organizations. Now my Dear friends just imagine, if Government appoints Registrar ( which would certainly be on Political basis). The newly appointed registrar won’t listen to VC as he will have the back of the government, same will be for Controller of Examination and Director Finance, then what will happen would probably be the worst results one can imagine. As you all can witness what is being happening in the Sindh Text Board, the Universities would become same like any B.I.S.E (Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education). We love QUEST and care about the future like so the teachers do too. They know the problems of students, they know what would the results be of delaying the exams. If they don’t stand now then they can’t stand later too. We can face this little problem of delaying exams (like we did earlier). We just want to save the Universitys environment from big problems which could possibly come in the future that could be faced by all of us.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 21:00:59 +0000

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