Do you know what! I dont give a shit if anyone of my friends - TopicsExpress


Do you know what! I dont give a shit if anyone of my friends delete me and decide they dont want to talk to me anymore! But I am sick and tired of seeing these terrorist pricks over here thinking its ok to do the things they are doing! We are made to live like foreigners in our own country! Having to listen to idiotic comments that white women are whores! We walk around naked! Well sorry if we dont want to walk around like a ninja in a post box! And all non Muslims will burn in hell fire! Ok then you demented radical idiots! If you want to live in an Islamic state then go back to your own land! You can think Im racist I actually couldnt give a shit! If something isnt done this country will be an Islamic state in 50 years! And I know I dont want my children and grand children to have to live like that! I know my grandad and a lot of others grand parents and parents didnt fight in the war for our country to be like this now! Makes me sick! This country needs to stand up and be counted! Other wise things like beheadings and other things will be happening over here more! Look at the lee Rigby beheading! That was cos of Islam extremists! But if we were living there and did that we wouldnt have a lovely cell in a prison no! We would be killed..... What a joke! This country isnt ours anymore! And people are too scared to speak up! Well if you dont then you will never be heard! If you dont like my views then thats up to you! But living in birmingham you see a lot of things happening and being said. Personally I dont care if you unfriend me its my opinion! And before anyone thinks that Im on about all Muslims I am not! This is about the radical extremists! I have people in my family that are from a Muslim back ground. As I said I am not a racist but I have my opinions!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:37:01 +0000

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