Do you know what happens to a man when the traffic on the Bridge - TopicsExpress


Do you know what happens to a man when the traffic on the Bridge Day of Resurrection ? I asked Ms. Aisha Messenger of Allah about the descent of this verse : ( on the ground is changing the earth and the heavens ), said at the time where we will be ? Pray said the Prophet peace be upon him : Well be on the path , , , At the time of the traffic on the Bridge Lٱ there are only three places only : Paradise ... and the path ... and hell , God forbid Pray says the Prophet peace be upon him : be the first to pass the path I and my nation , the nation s first pass on the Bridge is the nation of Muhammad . Defined path ; Day of the Transfiguration of the heavens and the earth. There will be only two places of heaven and hell , and in order to reach paradise must pass hell ; ; ; where riveted bridge over hell named Path display hell all if I passed him and went to the end and found the door of paradise in front of you and the Messenger of Allah bless him and standing receives the people of Paradise ( Villarb introduced Jntekonjna from the horrors of the Day of Resurrection mercy ) . Specifications path ; 1 - the most accurate ( highest ) of the hair . 2 - One of the sword. 3 - severe darkness beneath dark black hell hardly be distinguished from anger . 4 - crosses every person carrying on his back for all sins stereoscopic Whenever heavy sins , God forbid whenever traffic on the path difficult and slow and whenever the human sins of light was passing quickly like lightning . 5 - be it path hooks ( hooks ) and below it ( tapered forks ) injured foot and Akhaddchha ( atone for the sins of the Sacred Word and Outlook Sacred ... etc.) . 6 - When traffic Aserat be there to hear voices screaming high for each of the foot and still falling in the bottom of hell . Prophet , peace be upon him standing at the end of path at the door of paradise See you put your foot on the first path calls you , saying : O Lord, him . Ladder , O Lord - darling sir , O Messenger of God - See the people in front of them slave of fall and some of them do not care .. survive may see a person and his father and mother, but also do not mind them all that interested in that moment is just the same . Narrated that Aisha , may Allah be remembered doomsday wept asked her the Prophet, peace be upon him , Why do you, Aisha ? She said: I remembered the Day of Judgment Will we will mention our fathers ? ? You will be remembered beloved lover doomsday ? ? Pray said the Apostle of Allah be upon him: Yes , but in three places: at Libra - when blowing newspapers - when the path So be patient and be patient on the temptations of this world , mesmerized minimum mirage , Flanjahid ourselves and appoint each other to meet at the Commission presented the heavens and the earth ; ; ; do not forget that Takaddoa intention to re- publish this letter to be ongoing charity you, Make us who crosses path in peace ; ; ; { { Aٱrb good epilogue } } Do you think after all this that there is a Chill you deserve it or bear any grudge and lost business because of it ? Reviews ( best intention and Athsd and Azb and Atgtab but do not look for the haram and not eat the Sacred and Atzny and you drinking wine and testify falsely and Atnavq and Ataan anyone to injustice or falsehood and Watkin bad ethics and worker well towards people and Atkzb and Atakn infanticide trusts to every sin and guilt hinder the passage of rights on the path ) Ask yourself how I am ? And how much the rest of it ? ! Is it even included live after hours? ! After a minute or ? ! Or after the second ? ! Satan says to God Almighty : {And Your glory and will surely Jellalk as long as their lives in their bodies } . He says God Almighty : {And Ezzati and Jalali Ogovern to them as long as they ate Istghafronny } P forgiveness .. (Oh God, reminding me of Mark ongoing charity, me, my parents and my family and all of the sent and did not stand him ) Visualizza traduzione Google Traduttore per il Business:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti webStrumento a supporto dellexport
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:42:24 +0000

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